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Yoongi frowned as he saw it was Hoseok who opened the door, "You?"

"You deliever pizza?"

Yoongi almost snapped back with a string of curses but thought better of it, "It's a temporary job, I quit after this shift."

Jimin came rushing to the door when he heard voices. Normally Hoseok would just pay for the pizza and come back to the living room. This time was different. He opened Hoseok's door a bit wider so he could peek his head around his friend and out into the hallway. His eyebrows lifted in surprise when his eyes landed on the man outside the door.

Yoongi seemed to have the same reaction, looking Jimin up and down, his eyes settling on Jimin's fluffy hair before traveling back down to his perfectly symmetrical face.

"Umm..." he seemed to be at a loss of words. He shook his head slightly before balancing Hoseok's pizza on his knee and reaching a hand out to Jimin, "Hi, I'm Yoongi, I live across the hall... what's your name?"

Jimin's lips curved upwards in an award winning smile, He took Yoongi's hand giving it a solid shake before answering, "Park Jimin." he took his hand back, "I live upstairs. I'm a friend of Hoseok's hyung's."

Yoongi nodded dumbly, shifting the pizza back to both hands.

"Why haven't I seen you before now, Yoongi hyung?" Jimin tilted his head in question.

"Oh," the oldest seemed surprised by the question, "I used to work a job with really odd hours. I quit because I'm transitioning to a new job." Yoongi could have squealed at how cute the red headed man was.

"Delivering pizza?" Hoseok cut in.

The look Yoongi gave Hoseok could have killed, "No," he said gruffly, rolling his eyes, "I told you this was temporary. Tomorrow I start my new job."

"What do you do?" Jimin asked, hoping to lighten the mood again.

Yoongi's eyes shifted to the youngest and again, his gaze softened, "I'm a musical producer. I write and produce songs."

Jimin's eyes lit up, "Oh wow! That sounds amazing, hyung!"

Yoongi chuckled lightly. Hoseok couldn't help but immediately fall in love with the sound.

"It is pretty cool. Maybe you can come to my studio sometime and I'll show you around."

"That would be amazing!" Jimin squealed. He always had a love of music. Heing a dancer, he almost had to.

Hoseok felt like walking back inside. He was more or less standing there in the middle of Jimin's and Yoongi's conversation. The two seemed to have hit it off immediately. It made Hoseok want to curl up somewhere alone - he felt so alone....

Yoongi finally seemed to realize he was still carrying their pizza. He handed the warm box to Jimin, giving him a gummy smile, "My treat. I hope to see you around more often." He tipped his hat and walked away.

Jimin and Hoseok shouted a quick thank you to the retreating figure. Jimin giggled while taking a hold of Hoseok's hand and leading the older back inside and to the couch. Jimin immediately opened the box of pizza, taking a moment to inhale the scent of grease and cheese deeply before pulling a piece away.

"I think he likes you, Jimin," Hoseok sighed. He flung himself down on the couch, not bothering to take a slice of pizza. He glumly realized that he had been throwing himself down on his furniture far more often that before he met Yoongi. It was a sad thought that made him want to curl up even more.

Jimin laughed, "Why would you think that?"

Hoseok could have screamed. Sometimes Jimin could be so dense, "He was so nice to you!" Hoseok cried, "I gave him cookies and he looked like he wanted to rip my throat out. You just throw him a smile and he looks like he's swooning." Hoseok shifted to where he was laying on his back, looking up at the off white ceiling as thoughts whirled through his head. He rubbed at his nose, trying to keep the bad thoughts away but he couldn't help but look over to Jimin. The younger was undeniably attractive, with his freshly red dyed hair and cute smile. He was built like an athlete but had all the grace of a ballerina. He could flip some kind of magical switch that would turn him from adorable mochi to hot and sexy even though he was shorter than most men.

Hoseok was nothing like Jimin. He was barely taller with plain hair and plain eyes. There was nothing special about him in his own mind. He, too, was a dancer but he couldn't dance with nearly as much grace as Jimin and while it did help to be able to dance hip hop there was nothing nearly as captivating about it as when Jimin danced contemporary. He wasn't nearly as handsome, either. Jimin looked like a god come to life in Hoseok's opinion while their friends said Hoseok looked like a horse. It was true, he had a longer face but Hoseok never thought he was ugly until that comment was made. Taehyung had been the one to say it. They had all be laughing, joking and drinking when Taehyung had spit those words out. Everyone had laughed at the time, even Hoseok but it was simply to mask his hurt.

Now, here he was with a new, hot guy he was slowly falling for and the man was falling for Jimin instead. There was no competition to Hoseok. He would simply have to leave Jimin and Yoongi to themselves.

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