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Jesus fucking Christ, you guys probably figured you'd never see another chapter from me. I'm sorry if this is slightly jumbled, or it has errors, I'm out of practice and I'm tired lmao.

I thanked whatever fates were above that I didn't have any more disruptions. When I reached the subway station, the train was just about to close it's doors, but I somehow managed to squeeze by. I gasped for air, clutching onto the railing as the train began to pull forward. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and glanced around, spotting a few eyes on me. No doubt others saw me as a little erratic, but that was none of my concern at the moment.

I had the itch to pull out my cell phone and try calling Dad once more, but I didn't want to cause more of a fuss than I already have. My mind tossed ideas back and forth, why this series of events happened. To the untrained eye, it wouldn't even create an inkling of concern. However, the sudden darkness that hovered in the sky, the heavy feeling that pressed against my chest, and no doubt everyone else's... it was the making of something unnatural, and with Dad not answering my calls, it made my eyes twitch.

When the train doors open, I was the first one to push myself out onto the platform. I shoved passed the people in the subway, most of them crying out and yelling after me. I bumped into a girl who looked around my age, she squealed as she fell backward. With guilt in my heart, I quickly called my apology and continued to the doors. My feet pounded against the pavement as I exited the station. I was still far from the monastery, even if I ran, it would take twenty minutes at the earliest. I locked my jaw and grunted, pushing myself forward into a sprint.

The air thickened as I ran through the streets, growing closer to my target. I swatted away a few coal tars and chuchis, then tripped over a dekalp before I noticed the black mass of demons that were hovering around me. My heart dropped when I realized I'd given my charm to the man in the subway earlier. With my mental state, no wonder they were targeting me. I wracked my brain, quickly trying to remember the passage I had to recite to rid myself of them.

I pushed myself up and forward, away from the pests. They were low level demons, but they were hindering my state of mind. "Dammit!" I spat out what little verses I could recall and sighed when the thick horde behind me began to dissipate.

I was less than a block from the monestary, but I couldn't push myself any farther. My hand gripped onto a nearby picket fence as I doubled over myself, sputtering and coughing. It was only then that I realized the hum that was echoing around me. I raised my head in the direction of my home, watching as demons sprouted up seemingly out of nowhere.

I gritted my teeth, the heavy feeling in my chest constricting my heart. I swallowed hard and wiped my clammy hands against my jacket, acutely aware that I was defenseless, having left my exorcism gear at the academy. Nevertheless, I urged my feet forward, my pace quickening up until I hit the monestary fence. I barely registered the screech of the gate opening over the hum around me. I did, however, register the cries coming from inside.

With a newfound vigor, I bust through the front door, my vision shrouded with a plague of fungi and beetles. Until suddenly, it wasn't. Everything around me started to shrivel up and disintegrate, leaving the walls of my childhood home clean.

"Is that so?" I heard my brothers voice echo from farther inside, shaking me from my contemplations. I remained quiet as I cautiously made my way through the halls. No one was expecting me here, and I didn't want to intrude if I didn't need to. "So long as I'm history; everything will be fine. That what you're saying, are you not?" Rin's tone was callous, and it struck me the wrong way.

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