Chapter 5: No More Tutoring... For Today

Start from the beginning

               "Do you hate my daddy?" Austin lifted his head up, wiping the tears with his sleeves. I grabbed a few tissues from the nightstand next to the couch where bad boy is sitting. Ugh, unbelievable he's still here. I wiped my brother's tears as I see Mason looking at me in a way I never thought he would look at anyone. Or even give the look he's giving to me to an girl, perhaps.

              "No I don't hate your daddy, Austin. It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you when you get a little bit older or when the time is right. But I do not hate your daddy and your daddy loves you very much. Mommy, too, okay?"

              "Okay." My brother seems happy now. The door bell rang and while I was about to put Austin's butt back on the floor, Mason puts the remote down on the couch and said, "I'll get the door." Um, alright, bossy. I started to get my brother ready for dinner.

             "Thanks, man." I heard Mason say before taking the food from the guy and paying him. The delivery guy left when Mason shut the door, bringing the food over in the kitchen. I put his food on a plate and placed it in front of him, putting a napkin over his nice, plaid shirt, tucking it inside so it won't slipped off, and grabbed him a cup of juice for him to swallow his food down with. I grabbed two more plates and cups for Mason and I to put our food on and settled down in the dining room.

             Dinner was quiet. I looked over to my left and saw Mason eating dinner with my brother and I. I don't have any friends so it was either my mom, Austin's dad, Austin and I or mainly, Austin and I sitting at the dining room, eating dinner and sometimes desserts when it was the weekend. My brother pushed his plate away from him and grabbed his cup and took a quick sip. "What's the matter, buddy? Are you full?" I asked him.

              He crossed his arms over his stomach, nodding his head yes so I know he must be full. "Okay, let me put your food away in the fridge and I'll give you a bath, read you a story and then, get ready for bed. Sounds good?"

            He mumbled under his breath so I'm going to take that as a 'yes'. I put his food back in the container, writing 'A' on the top and placed it inside the fridge. I helped clean him up and lifted his up from the chair. As I left my food, unattended, along with Mason, I turned around before heading upstairs, asking him, "Can you be capable of staying here by yourself for a few minutes without destroying the place?" I nastily said to Mason, hoping he got the message.

             "I'm more than capable of eating my food and cleaning up after myself and then walking over to the couch to watch some more TV, Lexi." His sarcastic tone made me want to hit him where it hurts.

               "Yeah, sure, whatever." I walked up the stairs, carrying my brother, taking care of him before I go back to the kitchen to put my food away. Twenty minutes later, Austin is tucked into bed, fast asleep when I was in the middle of reading him a bed time story. I turned the nightlight on and shut the light to his bedroom. "Goodnight, Austin. I'll see you in the morning." I said by the doorway before shutting it shut so he could get his sleep. It's only seven thirty which is the earliest Austin has ever went to bed. I went back downstairs and saw that the table was already cleared off and Mason sat up on the couch, watching some movie on my Netflix account.

             "You cleaned up the table?" I furrowed my eyebrow at him and cross my arms across my chest.

              Mason is still focused on his movie, not paying attention to me. "I told you I was more than capable of cleaning up after myself."

             "Um, thank you. For doing that for me." I said, and I mean it. Honest.

              "No problem."

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