Chapter 2: The Nightmare Begins

Start from the beginning

             "Why is that, dear? He seems like he would make great boyfriend to a lucky girl." She tried to nudge me with her elbow, trying to catch her hint but I just don't see it happening.

            "Definitely not. He's trouble with a capital T. I'm not the kind of person that wants to get in trouble every damn day."

             "I think you could change someone's life, Alexis."

            "Please, call me Lexi."

            "Lexi, give the boy a chance. After all, he  was trying to start something with you if he was following you to come all the way down there."

            "Mmhm. I don't know about that. It seems sketchy to me. Besides, I knew him basically almost my entire life. He's trouble, alright."

             "What I'm saying is, give him a chance. Something good might come about this."

              From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure moving through the window. It's the bad boy, again. He's probably waiting for me to come out of the library so he can finish talking to me. Mrs. Steinbeck looks over her shoulder to where I'm looking, seeing the exact same thing as me. "Is that the boy?" She turns her head back towards me when she stopped staring him down.

                "The truth?"

               She nodded her head yes.

               "Yeah, that's him."

                "He doesn't seem to be that bad. Besides, it looks like he's waiting for you." The bell rang before I wanted to say the complete opposite of whatever she's thinking about in her head. Instead, I ended this conversation so that way I can go home now. "Bye, Mrs. Steinbeck." I lifted my books off the counter, holding it close to my body. 

                  "Goodbye, Lexi. Remember what I told you." I lifted my hand up, waving to her before I was completely out of the library. I took one glance at him before I realized he caught my gaze. I looked the other way, trying to walk away from him but once again, he caught up to me. "Stupid me, why did I even bother to look at him to begin with?", the voice inside me spoke.

              "So, can we finish the conversation now?" The bad boy softly asks me.

              "I thought we finished the conversation", my tone sounded annoyed with him, not paying attention to him as I put my books away in my locker.

              "You think we did but I didn't finish talking to you", he played it back.

               "Okay, so what do you", and I pointed at him. "Want to talk about with me?", I pointed those same fingers at me before closing my locker door and locking it.

                "First, I need to know your name so I can acknowledge you whenever I want to talk to you."

               "Fine, it's Lexi. Or did you forget already?", sarcastically speaking. Knowing him since I was little, he's not good with names.

              "You know," he starts to turn the conversation around. "I thought that was your name or was it Alexis or something? I knew your name. Just didn't know if it was one or the other."

                "Right because apparently you can remember my name but not any of the girls' names you hooked up with."

                  "Because I didn't care about those girls. I care about you, now."


                 "I bet you don't even know my name?" He wants to play this game now? Okay.

                 "Of course I know your name, sadly. It's Mason Steele. The most popular and bad boy wannabe in East Hallow High School."

               "Okay, then, you do know my name." Mason lifts his hand up to push his hair back, acting suspicious now.

              "Duh. I just said that, dummy. Weren't you listening the entire time?" I rolled my eyes at him before deciding I'm about to walk away again from this conversation. "Honestly, if you want something, just get it over with and tell me already. You only talk to girls when you want something so spit it out ." This conversation needs to end and if Mason won't end it, I will.

                "Look, I need to keep my grades up in order to play baseball this spring. And science is my worst subject. Can you please tutor me?" Wow, he's being serious.

                 "Wow. Desperate to play baseball or getting the girls to flirt with you at your games?" I continue the tormenting on him. But I think he's honestly telling the truth.

                  "I'm serious. I want to play baseball this year and coach won't let me unless I get at least a C average. And I know you're smart. Will you help me?"

                    "I guess so only in two conditions."

                    "Sure. What are they?"

                     "One", I lifted my hand up and lifted a finger, "You are to not tell anyone about this."

                     "Okay and what's the second one?"

                     "The second condition I have is", I lifted up another finger out, "You are to not fall in love with me."

                       "That won't be a problem there."

                      "Good. So it's a deal then?" I lifted my eyebrows hoping to see that I'm being serious about this.


                      "Okay, well you know where I live so just come by after and I'll help you understand today's lesson since I heard you talking in the back."

                   "Thanks, Lexi. I owe you one."

                    I walked away so I can make my way over to my bus so I can go home now. "What did I just do?" I said out loud, knowing I'm talking to myself again. "I'm so stupid. Why am I nice?" I bang my head lightly on the book that I'm reading. Luckily, it's a paperback book so it won't hurt me as much as a hard cover would. My worst nightmare is coming over to my house in a few minutes. The nightmare begins.

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