Chapter 5. Maybe

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"Yeah, yeah, love you too, mom." I spoke through the telephone, "Take care." I added before placing the receiver down.

I just thought I'd give them a quick call before leaving. I have to meet Byron at the school to go shopping for the middle school's field day, it's kinda fun because I finally get to go around the town. I just hope he shows up or I'm seriously gonna go in the school and look his information up, then I'll go to his house and drag him out.

Locking the door, I walked out and headed towards the school, it's really convenient that it's near, the weather looks nice too. I wonder if I look weird . . . I wore a colorful shirt, pants and a jacket, plain as usual.

Noticing that I was close to the school, I scanned the area around but Byron wasn't there. A bit dismayed, I sat down on a nearby bench and waited. It's already two in the afternoon but maybe he's just running late or got caught up in something, it wouldn't hurt stay for a while.

I hummed as I looked around, trying to entertain myself with random thoughts. It's a bit weird because there aren't any people around even though it's the weekend, I was expecting at least a few to be walking around or whatever.


An hour and a half passed.

I waited.

And waited.

And wai-

"Son of a bi-" I pressed my face on both my hands and stopped my words. Almost two hours passed, what the hell! He can't possibly be stupid enough to forget, then again, he can be one rude motherfucker if he wants to.

Damn, I didn't think he'd seriously leave me hanging-although it's sort of my fault for forcing him into this. Whatever, I'm pissed, I'll do it by myself, or maybe I really should drag him out of his house?

Nah, too clingy.

I took the list out of my bag with a scowl and read through to know which store to visit first. God, I don't even know which shop sells what, I was being too dependent on the possibility of Byron helping me out yet he didn't show up. I know it was a bit unfair since I just randomly made him help but still, I wonder if he feels any remorse knowing that I'm completely at lost of what to do since I'm new.

I felt a sudden shiver run down my spine, on the corner of my eye, I saw someone wearing a yellow jacket and he had this white mask on. I couldn't see his eyes because the place where the eyeholes should be were just two black circles resembling eyes, just like the mouth. Judging from his physique, he's definitely a guy, a rather tall one too. He has blackish, brownish hair, I can't really tell because he's a bit far away, partially standing behind a tree.

Well, isn't this creepy. He's just there . . . I think he's staring at me because of the way he's faced towards my direction, there weren't any other things to look at beside me around here anyway.

Uneasy, I stood up and walked to the opposite direction of him. What's up with him? Maybe a prank? Wait, where am I even headed to?

I stopped in my tracks and looked back, only to find that the man was gone. I checked around but there wasn't any sign of him. Wow, he's fast . . . Okay, that solves my anxiousness-let's just hope he doesn't show up again, and now . . . I have no idea what to do. The pressure is slowly building up. If I fail to do this, not only will I feel terrible, I'll also disappoint Sean and the whole middle school, fuck.

I stared at the ground, thinking of a way to accomplish this task. I guess I could just ask for directions or-

I broke away from my thoughts when I saw a shadow upfront, I raised my head and saw Byron wearing a casual attire with the same frown he always had. My eyes lit up in relief but as soon as I made eye contact with Byron, his frown worsened and he looked a bit tensed. Before I could walk up to him and greet him, he spun around and walked away from me in a hurry.

Byron's Secret (Slenderman Romance)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ