Chapter 69. Consultations

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I say this a lot, but it's been a while and my grammar has become rusty, especially when I barely use it here in Japan. I don't mind if you guys correct my grammar at all. It would be helpful.

Saturday | Midnight

Tim's POV

I sat on the couch and stared at nothing, just lost in my own thoughts. Glancing towards the other couch, the kid was still asleep. He showed no signs of waking up, didn't even move nor flinch, yet he's alive. Brian occasionally tried to wake him, but he gave up since it was pointless. He's deep into a coma.

"This key is really heavy." Brian muttered, gaining my attention. I eyed him as he lied flat on the floor, holding the key above his head as he studied it, "When are we going to go to the hideout?" He asked, twirling the metal key around his finger.

"We should wait for By-"

I didn't get to finish when the key slipped from his grip, falling on his chin with a familiar clack. His eyes went wide as he sat up, gripping his jaw. He let out a scream, but it was muffled by his own fist as he tried to suppress the agony by biting it.

"It-" He didn't even finish when he let out another set of groan, "It hurts!"

I rolled my eyes, "Give me the key."

I couldn't see what he was doing because he had his back turned to me as he knelt helplessly on the floor, "My teeth! Why is it always my teeth?!" He complained, "Here, I don't want it."

Suddenly, the rusty key was flying towards me after he tossed it. Out of reflex, I held my hands up, trying to catch it, but immediately regretted the decision after it hit my wrist with too much force before it fell somewhere on the ground. I ended up writhing in pain like Brian, "Why'd you throw it?!" I accused.

"See? It hurts like a bitch, doesn't it?" He muttered, shaking his head and glancing at the Toby guy-whatever his name really is, "If I throw it at him, will he wake up?"

"I think you'll just end up bruising him more." I replied, taking the key from below, "Just leave him alone, the guy's not even awake to tell you to fuck off."

"What is there to do around here?" He asked for the millionth time, "What do you do here?!"

"Watch TV?" I shrugged. I realized how boring I was. Most of the time, I just think. I think about how things could be if we had picked different choices. I think about how we would live if we're just . . . normal.

"That's all you do all day? Dude, you don't even leave the house."

"I know. I just stay here." I dismissed.

"Do you even have friends other than us?"

"No." I quickly answered and paused, "Do you?"

"Nope." Brian replied, "Like I said, I only talk to people for information. They think we're friends."

"I would have made friends if my life wasn't like this." I mumbled.

"Hm, same goes for me." He sighed, "We should really go to the hideout."

"And we should really wait for Byron." I reminded, "That's his dad's hideout. Respect that."

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