24. One Night In A Strange City

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“You should stop.”

Ji Ah’s eyes flitted over to Jae Chan at the curt words. The videography team was browsing through the snippets of the AMA rehearsals while Bangtan geared up for their upcoming performance. Within the glittering Microsoft Theatre, the ceremony was proceeding in full swing with the members monitoring the various stages and awards being presented as they prepped themselves. Ji Ah and Jae Chan were currently in the audit room along with some of the Big Hit staff, awaiting the green signal to begin shooting once BTS took the stage.

Confusion flared in the brunette-haired woman’s eyes and she motioned towards her laptop. “Stop what? Screening the rehearsal clips?”

Jae Chan quickly glanced over his shoulder to ensure no one was listening and he shrugged, sliding his revolving chair closer to Ji Ah’s. “I meant something else.” He chewed on his lower lip, fingers fidgeting with his camera lens and he turned to her with a solemn expression on his face. “Whatever it is you have going on with Kim Namjoon, I suggest you stop before you both get hurt.”

Ji Ah couldn’t help the shock that slackened her features, thrown off by the fact that the head videographer knew about their relationship. “How did you find out?”

“Well, it was pretty clear actually. The way he looks at you, the way you speak to him. Everything about the two of you screams intimacy which extends beyond professionalism. Not to mention how the rest of Bangtan react whenever you guys are in the same room.” Jae Chan watched Ji Ah squirm slightly, dismay flickering over her face and his voice lowered just a tad bit. “It’s the job of a videographer to read the atmosphere. And you’re not as subtle as you’d like to think you are, Ji Ah-sshi.”

The woman stared at him, her head swirling from the sudden confrontation which she had neither expected nor been prepared for. Ji Ah liked to think she was doing a good job of appearing neutral around Namjoon but her senior had obviously not been fooled. “Are you going to replace me?” she asked quietly, knowing well that it would be the obvious course of action to stall any scandal. But being aware of it didn’t make the prospect of being fired any less scary. Not to mention the fact that she would probably never be allowed near the rapper again.

How can I give up after coming so far?

Ji Ah didn’t know where the strength or the thought had surged from. She just knew that she would fight, that she wanted to fight. Jae Chan was studying her carefully as if privy to the knowledge that she wouldn’t give up without a fair amount of struggling.

“Ji Ah, you’re the best assistant I, anyone actually, could ever ask for. And I would hate to see you lose your position over something like this which could very well be momentary.” Ji Ah’s hackles rose at his flagrant dismissal of her relationship with Namjoon and she knew Jae Chan didn’t miss the way her features darkened at his words. “Even if what you have with him is real, I hope you realize that it’s a very delicate and important time for Bangtan and any gossip arising from your association with Namjoon could be potentially contentious. For both of you.”

“I know that,” she stated quietly, her eyes roving over to the screen protruding from the wall behind which she could see the members beginning to assemble for their performance. Namjoon was smiling, leaning in to whisper something in Yoongi’s ear which made the older rapper laugh. The dance line was engaged in an impromptu dance battle to ease their nerves and Seokjin invaded the party by breaking out into his trademark traffic moves which had Taehyung roaring with unhinged laughter, wiping away the tears in his eyes as he watched the oldest member flail his arms about.

Ji Ah knew every word Jae Chan was spewing was something she should heed before it was too late, that whatever was brewing between her and Namjoon would be short-lived and painful if they weren’t careful. And she would be lying to herself if she denied harboring thoughts of setting him free to concentrate on his career while she could concentrate on hers.

A Modest Proposal (Kim Namjoon/ BTS) (#SerendipityAwards)Where stories live. Discover now