19. Come Back Home

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The approaching week-long Chuseok holidays had Ji Ah contemplating a visit to her hometown. But her stomach clenched at the very idea, seeing as how it had been five years since she had last been anywhere in the vicinity of her family. The videographer didn't know how wise such a trip would be; all she knew was Namjoon had made a fair point and Ah Ra needed her sister. It had been far too long and Ji Ah couldn't deny that she needed her dongsaeng too.

And so when Mi Na informed her that she could take a few days off, Ji Ah decided to snatch the opportunity and see where it took her. After all, the worst that could happen was an ugly confrontation teetering dangerously on the beginnings of a verbal tussle. But it wouldn't be the first time now, would it? Besides, Ji Ah liked to think that she was better equipped to handle such a situation now if it should ever arise. And she didn't doubt that there was a very real chance that it would.

Where the matter of Kim Namjoon was concerned, Ji Ah was relieved, happy even, that they seemed to have arrived at a mutual understanding which allowed them to spend more than three seconds in each other's presence without disintegrating. And the little matter of her transforming feelings...well, she would deal with them when she didn't have to constantly worry about blabbering the wrong thing in the rapper's face.

These were the conflicting thoughts that somersaulted haphazardly in the brunette's mind as she embraced So Min in the vestibule of the expansive Seoul metro station. Brushing away strands of stray hair, she smiled at her friend after disentangling their limbs. The sky was a bright blue canopy of hovering clouds which obscured the sunlight, moist air caressing their faces as it breezed over them languidly, signaling that winter would be upon them soon.

"I'm all for dramatic family reunions," So Min was saying carefully as Ji Ah began tugging at the strap of her luggage: a small overnight suitcase stuffed with more music cd's than clothes. "But are you sure about this?"

The videographer knew perfectly well why her friend had raised such a query, being aware of her disorderly family background. But she shot So Min a reassuring smile and patted her cheek affectionately. "I can do this. It's high time anyway. And besides," she chewed her lower lip, thoughtfulness permeating the crease of her eyebrows, "I don't want to run anymore, So Min-ah."

Her friend seemed to understand this for she pulled Ji Ah in for a final hug, releasing her to let the videographer lug her suitcase along the symmetrically carved tiles of the metro station. Soon, Ji Ah was reduced to a bob weaving between the throngs of people clutching their own luggage and tickets to trains which would carry them to their destinations. She shoved her free hand deep into the cavern of her coat pocket, pulling it tighter around her lithe frame as she traversed the platform to board the train to Ilsan.

Ji Ah found her carriage easily enough, hauling her case through the sliding doors and entering after ascertaining that all her stuff was in place. Owing to the holiday season, the train was unbearably crowded with bodies swaying and tripping with every lurch. Ji Ah managed to stay upright somehow, despite being jostled one time too many.

And so when the train finally halted at Ilsan station, the woman lumbered out of it, luggage in tow, and hunkered for a few seconds to catch her breath. When her breathing had leveled out again, her chest rising and falling at a steady pace, she set out towards her house. Namjoon had provided her with Ah Ra's number and the videographer had called her little sister to inform her of her intentions. The elation in her sibling's voice had been obvious though Ji Ah wasn't sure if it would extend to her parents. Despite this, she had asked Ah Ra to let them in on her plan too, for she knew how much they hated surprises. She hated them herself.

Flagging a taxi by the stand erected just outside the station, Ji Ah settled into the backseat but her mind raced ahead of the vehicle. Anxiety seemed to be clogging every cell of her body and she tried to inhale and exhale slowly to calm herself. The booming city life of Ilsan gradually shifted to a view of low hills and rows of houses as the taxi rolled down the residential section. The afternoon was mild and clammy, dead leaves scattered by the wind rushing in the vehicle's wake.

A Modest Proposal (Kim Namjoon/ BTS) (#SerendipityAwards)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant