14: Dead but Free

Start from the beginning

You have no way to keep track of where you're going.

"Hey." Taehyung's watching you with huge somber eyes across the van, his head tilted to the side. "I know what you're thinking. There's no chance. So stop trying."

You glare back at him, unrepentant.

He huffs and leans against the van seat, wide-collared shirt shifting down a little to show his collarbone.

There's a flowered vine curling across his skin there.

You forgot.

You've seen his too. That first day, when you went into the shop like an innocent little lamb led trotting into a slaughterhouse. He was getting a pair of angle wings on his ribs, and already has a length of vine flowing up one pec and partially across his collarbone.

Again, it's a variation of yours, different enough to not suspect but similar enough to notice.

You can't believe it. That's four of them now, four of them that have tattoos that are uncannily similar to yours, one almost identical. As you sit in the van, Jungkook grunting as Jin patches up his shoulder and a cautious Taehyung keeping an eye on you, you can't believe that they would be so stupid as to let someone outside of their gang get the corresponding tattoo.

Also, how the heck are you the one that need questioning?

You glance around the four men in the car with you, observing their subtle body language. Hoseok keeps glancing at you in the rear-view mirror, and Taehyung refuses to look away. He keeps those huge eyes narrowed in on you, like you're a cell under a microscope that might jump off the petri dish and bite him at any moment.

What have you done?

The only thing you could possibly be in trouble for is your family relations, but even then, you haven't actually been involved with that.

Not ever.

"Where are you taking me? What do you want from me?" It takes all the courage inside of you to force the words out into the silence of the van.

At the sound of your voice, Jungkook's eyes fixate on you. He sneers. "What do you think we want from you, Song Y/N?"

Your heart jumps in your throat. He knows your real name, not some phony surname on an application. He knows you.

That means they know where you came from too.

"I don't know," you whisper in response. "That's why I'm asking."

Jungkook's pretty face twists from a sneer into a burning glare so fierce that your breath catches in your throat. And when he speaks, his  melodic voice has dropped into a grating growl.

His hands lift from the floor of the van and land on Jin's shoulders, pushing the older man away with gentleness even as he's still wrapping up Jungkook's wounds. Jin protests, bur Jungkook ignores him.

"What I want to know," says the ebony-haired man, "-is why you thought you could hide from us. What I want to know is if you thought we wouldn't find out."

His long fingers twitch beside the gun that lies abandoned on the floor. With his expression still shooting into you as it is, you pray that he doesn't pick it up.

"F-find our what?" Playing dumb won't work, you can already tell. But you have to try it anyways. You can't be punished for the mistakes of your family.

You just want a new life.

You want to get away from them.

But it seems like you're always just circling back around into their world.

At your statement, Jungkook scoffs. Taehyung and Jin are silent but wary, listening and tensed for action if need be.

"Don't do that," Jungkook says. "As if we're dumb enough not to freaking find out that the only daughter of one of the biggest mob bosses in Busan is prancing around our shop." His black eyes glisten in anger.

There isn't anything else for you to do, though. They know everything. You simply slump in your seat and watch him, seeing the muscles in his hard jaw clenching and unclenching.

"I don't know why you ran here, Song Y/N, or why you're hanging around us, but your family is looking for you." Jungkook sits back, the hot fury in his eyes burning like embers in a blazing fire. "That's bringing danger to my doorstep, to my family. I won't let that keep happening."

There's an unspoken agreement between everyone in the van, echoing intangibly in the silence.

Then, you mumble, "What are you going to do?"

Jungkook glances to Taehyung, and then to Jin, meeting there eyes. Hoseok watches cautiously in the mirror.

"We don't know," the youngest says casually. "Give you back to your family? Or kill you. We haven't decided yet."

"Kill me." You say it immediately, firm and not hesitating.

For the first time, it looks like you've surprised them. "What?" Jin asks in shock. "Why?"

You let your eyes drift over to meet his, serious. You aren't kidding. "Because," you breathe somberly. "I would rather be dead then go back to that place. So you should kill me. Don't send me back."

Anything but that.

You'd much rather be dead than returned to a family full of lies and deceit. Blood ties can't overcome what they did to you.

"Just do it now," you whisper.

Then you close your eyes, blotting out the beautiful faces of the men that will find it all too easy to take your life away from you.

And you wait for freedom.

Sorry if that was kind of boring 😅

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