Chapter 13

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"How did it go?"

I sigh heavily at Allison's question and press my phone firmly to my ear. I lean back against the wall in the lift as it begins to go up. "I . . . I actually don't know. I want to say that I think it went well but I don't know what qualifies as going well."

Allison moans as she shuffles about before asking, "What did she say to you?"

"She . . ." I lick my lips and readjust my stance against the wall. I frown. "Tell me something, have you ever known Jane to get emotional when it comes to talking about her family?"

"Never," she responds quickly and firmly. I can tell she's shaking her head. "Did she cry?"

"I wouldn't say she did but there was a tear or two shed when she was telling me that Luca barely ate anything after we broke up and lost weight."

Allison scoffs. "I somehow can't imagine that guy losing any more weight considering how skinny he already was."

"Apparently he did," I defend.

"God," she breathes, "that's bad."

"Tell me about it."

The line goes silent and I know Allison is trying to imagine Luca somehow being even skinnier than he already was nine years ago. It's something you can't imagine, and I've tried to since Jane mentioned it to me. It's just not happening and I don't want to even think of that or think of him being so unhealthy compared to how he is now.

"So," Allison begins, drawing the single word out so she makes sure has my attention once more, "are you on your way up to the suite?"

"Not yet, no." I answer. I push off the wall and move closer to the lift doors as the digital number on the wall gets closer to Luca's floor. "I'm actually on my way to see Luca."

"Going to grill him about losing that weight? Tell him from me that he should have taken advantage of America's large food portions."

I laugh. "No, but there are things that his mum said to me that we need to talk about."

"I didn't have you down as being one to talk about things the witch said," she says with a yawn.

"I wouldn't normally but I think it's a must right now."

"Yeah, well I still wouldn't trust her."

"I still don't completely trust her but I'm starting to see why she did what she did and its impact on their side and not just ours."

She yawns again. "Yeah, still."

"Plus, by the way you're currently yawning down the phone to me, you sound like you can be doing with a nap."

"I could but I'm hungry so I'm going to order room service and then I'll debate whether or not to have a nap."

I smile. "Knock yourself out."

The lift comes to a stop at the ninety-fifth floor and I end the call, slipping my phone into my bag as the doors slide open in front of me. I get out and turn to the left towards the entrance to the apartment.

I lift my clenched fist to knock on the door but it opens before my hand has a chance to come in contact with it. I drop my hand and smile at the black haired middle aged female standing before me.

"You must be Kaylee," she greets with a small smile that reaches her light brown eyes. "Come in." She opens the door wider and I step into the apartment. "I'm Tanya, one of the housekeepers. Mr. Madden is in the kitchen preparing dinner for tonight. I'll take you to him."

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