Chapter 32

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"I don't like the idea of you being there by yourself after what's happened."

I groan as I place my jacket on my bed, phone pressed firmly to my ear.

"Luca, I'm fine. I've been here plenty of times on my own before you came back into my life. I'll be fine. I am fine."

"It still doesn't mean that I can't worry about you. Something inside of me is telling me that something is going to happen."

"Luca, I'm fine. Everything will be fine. You're just overthinking things after what went down with Greg."

He goes quiet.

I turn on the spot and peak out my closed blind at the car whose headlights are shining away in the car park. It wasn't like that when Jones dropped me off. There was no sign of someone sitting in a car but I know all too well that it'll be Luca himself sitting in the car to make sure I got home safe and sound.

"Luca, I can see you sitting in the car park," I explain. "Go home."

"Kaylee, what are you talking about? I am home," he says firmly.

"No, you're not. Don't lie to me. I know you're sitting parked up in the car park with your headlights on and most likely looking up at me looking out at you." I stare at the car and its headlights flash twice then the full beam comes on. "Now you're flashing your lights and you've put the full beam on."

The line goes dead. I pull the phone away from my ear and it rings again but it's Luca wanting to FaceTime with me. I answer the call and hold the phone away from me so he can see me.

"Why did you hang up on me?" I ask, my annoyance noticeable in my voice. I place my free hand on my hip and pout my lips, waiting patiently for him to answer.

"It's so I can show you that I'm not in that car," he answers, moving his phone so I can see his surroundings.

My breath catches in my throat. Luca moves the phone around his home office before he settles it back to himself. I move away from the window until the back of my legs hit my bed and I sit on it.

"Luca, if you're there, who the hell is outside flashing their lights when they see me at the window?"

"I don't know," he answers truthfully, worry clearly visible on his face despite his hardest to keep it from coating his words.

I begin hyperventilating, my chest rising and falling rapidly. I stare intensely at the window, the car lights flashing again causing the blind to brighten then go dull once more.

"Kaylee, breathe and look at me." Luca instructs. "Kaylee. Kaylee, look at me."

I turn my gaze to him.

"Breathe. Deep breath in and out. Breathe in and out."

I do as he says, his words being helped by the actions I'm starting to mirror as he shows me how to do it.

Deep breath in and out.

Breathe in and out.

In and out.

In and out.

I close my eyes and breathe in and out once more before opening them and look back at my phone to Luca. He's moving quickly and firing out orders here and there to people. Soon, the bright lights of his house fade away into darkness as he steps outside and gets into a car.

"Just watch her, mother. I need to go." Luca talks off screen. The engine of the car starts up and Luca looks back at me. "Carlo is getting Jones to turn around and get back to you. He shouldn't be too far away."

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