Chapter 11

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"So I hear that you've got a lunch date with Jane tomorrow."

I look over at Fredrick who downs the remainder of his drink. I nod. "I do."

"Lunch with the wicked witch," he smiles. "Rather you than me."

"Hey, less of that." Luca defends.

"Come on, dude. Your mother is a scary woman," Fredrick responds.

"She's still my mother."

"Still a scary witch."

"She's been nothing but nice to you."

"Only because I'm your business partner."

"Because you're my friend."

"Business partner."

"Best friend."


"Boys!" Jade shouts over the two males.

Luca and Fredrick stop their petty arguing and just stare at each other.

"How many times have the two of you had that stupid argument over the years?" Neither male responds. "Fredrick, take back what you said. Now."

"I apologise for what I said," Fredrick says lowly.

"Luca, I hate to admit this but your mother is a scary woman to those who don't know her. That's what makes her good at her job."

"You need to admit that, Luca." Allison chimes in.

Luca hesitates for a moment, a singer finger running over the rim of his glass. "She can be at times."

"And you're going to lunch with her on your own?" Allison shouts while hitting me in the arm. "Are you fucking nuts?"

I grasp my arm where she hit it. "Okay, first, that was sore. Secondly, I'm only going to hear her out and there will be someone sitting close by to intervene if need be."

"You're nuts."

"Says the one whose boyfriend's best friend tried to spike my drink!"

"What?" Jade and Fredrick say in unison.

"Is she being serious?" Fredrick adds.

Luca nods.

"Fucking hell."

"And I still hate the guy for it but it doesn't mean I'm going to have lunch or that with him to hear why he did it!"

"Allison, she's Luca's mum." I remind. "I can't hold a grudge towards her if I want to be with him. If I did that, there'd be no point in continuing the relationship."

Allison blinks at me but doesn't retaliate. Her eyes begin scanning my face, looking for a sign to see if I'm going to say something else which I'm not. I don't have anything else to say and I want this conversation regarding Luca's mum to end sooner rather than later.

"Fine," Allison finally says. She looks past me to Luca. "You better have more than one person keeping watch on them and recording their entire conversation."

Luca sits up straight and looks at her. "My mother has been well and truly warned that one step out of line and the meeting will be ended."


"Alright, then." Jade happily says, getting everyone's attention on her. "Now everything about Luca's mother has been resolved, do you want to order another drink or call it a night?"

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