Chapter 21

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I push myself up into a sitting position, my hands pressing firmly against Luca's chest as I do so. When sitting up straight, I rub my eyes and run my hands down my face, my eyes adapting to my changed environment since I fell asleep last night. The last thing I remember was my mum telling me to go home after Dr. Kim informed us that they were about the begin the operation and that was at eight o'clock last night. I downright refused to leave the hospital until I knew my dad was going to be alright but as a compromise, Luca suggested for me to lie across the chairs with my head on his lap if I wanted. It was a better option than my mum's and one I was thinking of doing anyway regardless of what my family were trying to get me to do. Now I'm waking up in my own bed with Luca lying sound asleep next to me.

I don't recall when I fell asleep but I did. I also don't recall when I was taken out of the hospital and brought back to my flat but I must have been needing my sleep seeing as it's gone seven o'clock in the morning.

"My phone," I mumble, looking around the room for my phone. I get up off the bed and begin searching for my phone. "Where's my phone?"

"On the side table in the hall," Luca answers softly, his voice laced with sleep.

I rush out into the hall and pick up my phone. A small hint of fear crashes over me as I see my mum's name on the screen above the text message I don't want to read along with two missed calls from my gran and the unread voicemail. The time they were each received was a little before three in the morning, over four hours ago, and the feeling of fear falls over me once more as my hands begin to shake.

What if it's not good news? What if he didn't make it? What if I'm the only person missing from the hospital because my family are saying their goodbyes to my dad? What if –

"Kaylee," Luca says softly, stepping out into the hall.

His hands fall on my shoulders and it's what I need to keep all the horrible thoughts that are going to reappear at bay. I sulk back into his hold and take a moment before averting my eyes down to the text message my mum sent me.

From: MUM

Your dad's surgery went well. Dr. Kim and Dr. Watts said everything went according to plan. He's in ICU the now for a few days then he'll be moved back to the ward he was in. He did well, darling. He's still to wake up but we've still got him. He's still with us xx

I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding until now.

My dad made it. He made it through his operation. He's going to be fine.

I smile and clutch one of Luca's hands that are still on my shoulders.

"What is it?" Luca asks. He squeezes my shoulders.

"He made it," I breathe. I look up at him with tears in my eyes and nod. "He made it through the operation."

Luca returns my smile and kisses my forehead. "Thank God. That's just what you all needed to hear. He's going to be fine."

I nod.

He's going to be fine but I need to see him with my own eyes to know that for sure.

I shower and dress in record time. I don't wash my hair, deciding to fire it up in a messy bun that matches my casual appearance of jeans, t-shirt, zipper, and trainers. To no surprise, Luca had Trent bring him a change of clothes to my flat which seemed to have been while I was in the shower. One minute he's wearing the same outfit as yesterday which was his golfing attire, the next he's wearing a grey half-zip jumper, black jeans, and trainers.

Never Giving UpTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang