Chapter 10 Act 6 Scene 1

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2/25/15 5:20 pm  People we should be golden now.


Epithets are like heart attacks you never know when one might hit you.

Mine just happened to come beneath some multi-colored strobe lights, with a lady gaga wanna be belting out forlorn love lyrics in the background.

See, the thing about hindsight is that suckers 20'20 and I am seeing 20'50 without the glasses/ (contacts are a thing of beauty)

As my mom said when the family had to haul a large amount of flea market finds "truck up or buck up" or was the phrase really "buck up and-" nevermind.

The premiere was tomorrow night and if there was ever a time for chaos and orientation questioning it was now. The day before the premiere, not the night of.

Everyone from the crew and cast had decided to meet up at Shine! to discuss the premiere.

Shine! is a hangout place that offers laser tag, bowling, billiard, arcade games, drinks (alcoholic if you were the legal adult who had wandered in) and pizza.

Also, a lot of crew and cast members worked here. Being broke high-schoolers, we were never one to pass up a deal.

All you can eat pizza cheap? Count me in!

While the pizza might be a touch greasy, leaving something to be desired, the local was good.

Which brings me back to my original point, Jes worked here as a waiter. She and I hadn't talked... much since our almost kiss thing. (Acting lines did not count!)

For the most part, Jess had been the instigator but, this entire debacle was becoming bigger than some petty bet.

I huffed. It not like I had been anticipating a kiss or even wanted to talk about the kiss.

Almost kiss.


Had I wanted to kiss Jess?


Would I be mad if she flirted someone else if she dated someone else?

Hell yes.

Above all else to thy own self be true. I needed to get a move on then.

First to get the lay of the land and organize a plan of attack.

I was on the offensive, this time, it was my move.

My chosen place of re-consensus happened to be behind a tall reedy guy in tan khakis. I vaguely recognized khaki guy as one of the crew. I think he played a footman? He seemed like he'd rather be waiting on was wiping down one of the seating bars and not so subtly stealing glances at where Mariah was living it up on the dance floor.

Hmm. I could use this. If the guy turned out to be a total bust (which I doubted he had brought a turtle stuffed animal as the crew mascot to one of the premiere meetings) then Mariah was a big girl who could take care of herself and rip off Suffers dudes family jewels on her own.

Me? I'd be busy making popcorn enjoying it (hopefully ) (definitely after tonight) with Jess.

"Hey," I said.

Finally, I realized the guy towered over me even if he was slouching a bit and clearly hadn't heard me over the bass and his sole focus was Mariah.

Well, he wasn't alone, more than a few admiring eyes had been cast my best friends way.

Without the chain and color of school, Mariah morphed into the sassy wild child I knew and loved her to be.

"Psst down here!" I tried again.

So close yet no cigar.

"Look you khaki wearing, overgrown blonde giraffe in a Shine! workplace uniform."

Our strapping young surfer boy turned his gaze away from my boisterous book worm bestie.

"Me?" He gestured to himself in apparent confusion.

"Yes you!" I tilted my head up to meet his eyes and made a motion for him to come in closer watching his brows scrunch together in confusion.

"Hear me out."

"Ok," He said softly confusion still evident.

" How would you like to get that positively gorgeous gal over there to speak to you?"

"Umm. Well. That is. "

"Yes, ok great " I interrupted him before he hurt himself, ignoring his stuttered denials I plowed ahead with the conversation. I was a woman on a mission.

"Mariah just so happens to be my best friend, I can introduce you to her and just maybe she'd like to dance, and if you bought her a fruit punch you two could chat about whatever it is gooey people chat about. "

His eyes grew wide and hopeful.

"Really? Rav you'd do that for me?"

" I make no promises about how Mariah is going to act but, I would definitely introduce you. Who knows where the night will take you. That is only if you do this little thing for me."

"What?" He questioned sounding a bit suspicious.

Good instincts that one.

I tugged on his shirt to bring him down a bit closer so I could whisper in his ear.

After I gave him my instructions he started to fidget with the rag in his hands wringing it. Khaki boy also traded forlorn looks to where Mariah shimmied and scared looks ones to were Jess stood.

He appeared so pitiful I was beginning to wonder if I had kicked someone's puppy instead of asked a favor.

"Spit out you answer or so help me," I whisper shouted.

He turned pale then took a deep breath. Khaki boy shook the mop of his hair out from his eyes and his lips drew into a tight line to match the set of his jaws and shoulders.

"Yes, I could definitely do that," He said to me. confidence only betrayed by the fact he had taken a few cautious steps away from me.

Smart boy.

He flagged down the nearest waiter said what I asked. Fruit punch lay clutched in his hand like a defense to ward of all ills as I made introductions. I flashed two thumbs up and gave Mariah the "bendy signal".

She wished me good luck.

Good deed done, I was ready to be on my way.

Though of course I had to sneak a glance at the two.

Mariah looked at Khaki surfer boy with interest. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

Both of them turned bright red.

Bashfully he offered her the drink almost thrusting it into her face like a sword. She accepted it with a hesitant smile both of them laughing.

Sub plot developed I turned with a smile to my primary interest.

I had a plan to in act and a Princess to charm.

Princess Charming  [GirlxGirl] [Lesbian]Where stories live. Discover now