Important Announcement

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Remember how I told you guys how I was thinking about putting this story on hold for a month, or something along those lines? And how I told you I'd keep you updated on my decision? Yeah, well, here's an update.

As of January 8th, 2018, this story is going to be on hold.

When I say on hold, I mean on hold. I will continue this story. I will update again. And, when all these chapters are complete, I will go into the editing process.

Some of you are disappointed, some of you are like "BITCH YOU ALREADY UPDATE SLOWLY, THIS ISN'T A FUCKIN' CHANGE", or some of you are sitting there like "the fucks I give are limited to the point of nonexistence".

In the meantime, I will be working on Nick & Jo, and possibly some other ones I have in my cache. In addition, if you read my announcement that I posted a couple of days ago, one of my friends just came out with a story that fucking rocks. If it doesn't get many views on her profile, which is sherlockhomieg , she gave me FULL PERMISSION to handle her story and to place it on my profile for my very lovely readers/followers to read openly.

Thank you all for your patience and support and remember, I WILL BE BACK.

Feel free to comment or privately message me your opinions.

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