At first, Jungkook gives me a dirty look, but when his eyes move a little bit down through my body, he bites his lip.

Jungkook bites his freaking lip. Dang it.

I try to look so bored, I offhandedly sneak a peek behind him, and after a second, my face goes blank. "Are you doing.. something with those two?"

Jungkook checks where I am looking and then waves to Jimin. "Come on, Jiminssi, now move out with her. I need to talk with Yuja."

Jimin gets up from Jungkook's bed but not alone. That is Hyesoo too. That super duper glossy and fancy girl from our team. I give Jimin an annoyed face, but he ignores me and pushes himself with Hyesoo past me, hitting my shoulder.

When they are gone, I gulp and look at Jungkook. I am so shook by seeing Jimin and Hyesoo together that when I turn back to Jungkook, he is already inside of his room. "Can I come?" I ask.

Jungkook throws a strange look at me and nods.

I cross my arms and look around his room while trying to look cool with my high heels; even though I haven't worn them before, I manage to stay still and keep my balance well.

"What is with you, Yuja?" Jungkook suddenly asks. Apparently, his voice seems calm and not angry. That's a good first step. "Why do you.. look like that?"

Am I wrong, or he tries to avoid me?

He basically sits on his chair at the table and picks up his phone without even looking at me. What the hell?

"Uhm.. You.. I.. I was wondering if I could go somewhere with you, like to drink some wine or whatever else you like." My voice apparently turns weak.

Jungkook finally raises his eyes to me and lifts one side of his lip. That's fucking sexy. Uhm. Shut up Yuja.

"No, I don't want to go anywhere, darling-" he raises his eyebrows and checks me out very intensely. "We can hang out there if you wish."

I try to nod, but I am such a scaredy-cat this moment.

"And what made you come over to me dressed up like this, huh?" Jungkook asks and spins around with his chair.

I don't want to be standing like a fool, so I decide to sit somewhere near him.

Every move he is watching.

His bed seems comfier than mine. That's.. I'm not going to say that it is not fair because it is exactly what I want to say.

"Are you scared of me, Yuja?"

The question, though. I smile and shake. My hands get wetter and wetter. "No, why would I?"

After my words, he laughs very loudly. "Maybe because I tried to kill you like a thousand times, I forced you to come back to my place, called you by some inappropriate words, and.. you know the rest. Should I continue?"

That's not going to work if I show the real me. I have to keep calm and let him lead the conversation.

"But I can't reject your invitation to such an adorable offer. Although, you look stunning, I have never seen you looking like that before," he smirks and stands up from his chair.

Don't look at his abs.. Don't look..

Jungkook walks to his bed and stops just in front of me. I am sitting, so I have to lift my head.

No one says a word.

His dark eyes. I catch myself smiling back on the memories we had together. But they are fading away more often and often. Should I bring them again just to win?

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