Dark Swordsmen And A Dragon Named Ren

Start from the beginning

“Come on. You don’t want to be around her when she’s mad.” he stated before beginning to swim toward the bank with me by his side.

“Why doesn’t she like me?” I whispered as we reached the bank.

“She hasn’t gotten used to you yet, but she will. When she does you can bet she will be a good friend.” he replied with a smile as he stepped onto the bank.

“Ummm, could you turn around?” I asked. He blushed slightly and turned away from me while I got dressed. Once I had finished, Sorrel began to spray me with the liquid in the spray bottle.

“That ought to do it.” sorrel stated before tossing he bottle at the dragon, whom was paying attention to something in the distance. The bottle hit him in the side of the face and he shot Sorrel an angry look. She laughed and turned her attention back onto me.

“Come on. If I’m late then everyone will get suspicious.” she stated before beginning to walk into the woods. I quickly followed, but as we reached the tree line, she spun around almost causing me to slam into her. “Thank him. He’s really sticking his neck out for you you know.” Sorrel stated. I quickly spun around, running into a tree while doing so.

“Thanks.” I managed to say through the palms of my hands before turning and running into the woods after Sorrel.

“Your such a klutz.” she stated with a laugh as I reached her side.

“Well you could have told me there was a tree there.” I replied with a laugh.

“Could have, but chose not to.” she replied.

“So where are we going?” I asked after our laughter had stopped.

“There.” she said, pointing to a large tower like building in the distance, about 3 miles from where we were. I couldn’t see the bottom of it due to trees, but I could see the top.

“So, you were in a car accident, right?” she asked.

“Umm no I was……Oh I mean yeah. Head on collision at about 70.” I stated, forgetting that I was being hunted.

“Good girl.” he said with a smile. “That’s your alibi. Got it?” she stated as we reached a small hill.

“Wait, so you know about me?” I asked, not sure what she did, or didn’t know.

“Duh, what did you think Ren was asking me to do?” she said with an angry expression.

“So his names Ren?” I asked.

“No, that’s just what he was called when I came here. I don’t know his real name, and he refuses to tell me.” she replied.

“Oh. Well he said he knows me. How?” I asked.

“Man what is this, 20 questions?” Sorrel stated angrily before replying, “I don’t know how he knows you. You’re the first living spirit to make him act this way. In fact you’re the only living spirit he has tried to help.”

“Really, what happened to the other’s?” I asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it. He may tell you later, but I’m not.” she replied.

“Half way there.” She muttered after a long period of silence.

“Who’s Cross?” I asked after she broke the silence.

“He, is Gertrude’s handy man. He does all the dirty work for her. When it comes to situations like you. And before you ask, Gertrude is the owner of the bathhouse were going to, which is where you will work until you go back home.” she stated in an agitated tone.

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