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I woke up hearing the sound of clinking of bottles. I raise my head up to see Andy sitting in front of me. His eyes stared back at me. A smile crept up on his face. "Good your awake" Andy said,while standing up. He pulled out a key from his back pocket. Unlocking the cage door. He grabs me by the collar. He snaps the leash to it. I follow him down the stairs, and towards the office. I watch two maids walk past me and Andy. One of them gives me a pitiful look. I look away from them. "Oh Scarry" Andy calls while opening the door. A gun clicks, Andy freezes. I try and hide my smile at the look of fear on Andy's face. "Call me Scarry again and you won't be able to have a good fuck for a year. Until you get surgery for your balls, cause they will be deformed" Scar tells Andy. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. "You shouldn't be laughing pet, he might get deformed balls, but you will get a hard spanking" Scar tells me. The smirk falls off my face. He was serious. "Okay, now that we have that cleared up, Amy you must be hungry so I had a maid bring some food for you, your going to need it for what I have planned for you" I hear the lust in his voice. His next words confirm my suspicion. "Of course I've never got a chance with you, since that boy got in the way. But here we are now. Just like old times" Scar said. I flinch. Not now please. "Oh and Andy will be helping me" Scar told me. He pushed a tray of food on it towards me. There was a burger and fries. I grab the burger hungrily and start stuffing my face. The burger was just right. I moan in pleasure. Andy and Scad groan. I look over at them. They both had a hardness poking out from there pants. I give them an annoyed look. They both smirk. I go back to eating the burger. I swallowed it down. Then shoved my face full of fries. I quickly swallow them down. I look over at them. "Is there any more?" I ask. Scar laughs. "I think you have had enough pet" he said. I sigh. There goes my idea for a meal. Waste time, that was my plan. "Sit" Scar snapped. I decide to ignore his command. I'm not a dog. I never will be. "I said sit" Scar snarled. He snatched the leash from Andy, and yanked it down. I trip over my own  feet and land of the floor. Scar puts his shoe on my back. "Stay down" he hissed. I struggle against his shoe. He pushes down, placing more pressure on my spine. "Keep struggling and you will get hurt" Andy told me. I look at him. "Go to hell Andy" I snarl. He looks surprised. "What did you say?" Andy asks. I smile sweetly at him. "Oh you heard me, I didn't stutter" I sneer. He narrows his eyes. "You always have to be disobedient" he glared at me. I roll my eyes. Scar puts more pressure on my back. "Get off me" I snap. Scar laughs then grabs my hair and yanks me to my feet. "Andy's right you always were disobedient and now I might just get some pleasure in fucking you" Scar smiles. Oh shit, I'm doomed. "Oh and there is no lover or helper that can save you" Scar sneers. He goes for my shirt. His hands slide underneath my shirt. I fight him. "Andy help me out over here" Scar snaps. Andy tightens the leash so if I pull I'll put pressure on my neck. "I love it when your helpless" Andy tells me. He nibbles my neck. I fight the urge to hit him. Scar licks his lips, and slides my bra out of the way. I can't let this happen. I wait for Scar to get right in line. And I bring my knee up between his legs. Scar doubles over in pain. I kick backwards hoping to aim for Andy's balls but I kick him in the leg. He released my leash, I take off towards the door. I wrench it open. I fly towards the front door. Only to be stopped by another guy. "Where might you be going pet" he sneered when he said pet. "Out for fresh air" I tell him. I look quickly over my shoulder. They weren't coming. "What's your name" he asks. I start getting frustrated. "Amy" I say. "Can I go" the guy looks ready to let me out, when a voice yells "Grab her Kingsley" I take off trying to swing past Kingsley but he is fast. He slams his foot down on my leash. I trip and fall. I look up to see Andy and Scar standing over top of me. I curl away from them. Andy grabs me harshly by my collar. Scar picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Let go" I yell. He ignores me. He walks up the stairs to where my cage was. I look around for the first time. There was whips,canes,floggers, shackles and ropes. I stare at Andy from over Scars shoulder. I was so doomed. Scar walks me over to padded bench. He sits down on it. Then yanks me over his knee. I try to fight him. He locks his leg around my ankles. "In case you try anything pet" he snarls in my ear. "Andy hand me a whip" Scar asks Andy.  I gulp. Not good. Not good at all.

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