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I stare at the house. They were kidding right?I try hard not to cry. They were most certainly not joking. "Well we're here" Scar said. Enjoying my reaction. I wait, while Scar gets out of the car. He walks over to my door. Yanks it open, and drags me out. "Come on Pet" he sneers in my face. I struggle against the ropes. He being stronger then me is able to drag me. "You need a hand?" Andy asks Scar, he shakes his head and keeps dragging me along. "Mr. Morningsern who is this lovely girl?" A guy that looks to be about 20 or older asks. I struggle again while Scar is busy talking."This is Amy, and she is mine" Scar said. The guy nods. "Got to go" the guy said when I hear a yell. Andy chuckles while the guy heads up the stairs. I watch the two guys with interest. Where was I headed. "Darren" Scar yells. I jump. "Darren" he yelled. A young teenage boy comes down the stairs. When seeing me, he narrows his eyes. "Another one, how long is this one going to live before you get bored with her and have Kyle kill her?" The boy asks. I flinch. I was so not enjoying this not one bit. "Has the packages I ordered come in yet?" Scar asks ignoring the question. "Yes, its in your office " Darren said before sighing and walking off. "Be nice to this one she seems different." Darren called over his shoulder. "Whatever" Scar muttered. Then looks at me for a second. Then drags me again through the halls. Towards a room. He pushes me into Andy."Hold her"he snapped. He unlocks the door. Then yanks me inside. "This is what you ordered" I stare at the objects on his desk and at his feet. "Yup and there all for you" Scar whispers in my ear. A collar and a leash and a muzzle and a cage were what he ordered. "All right hold still" Scar said. Picking up the collar. I twist my head away from him. "Enough of that" he snapped. I feel Andy holding my head in a headlock. "Good pet" he said stroking my hair. The collar is buckled around my neck. I feel it. Its kind of heavy. "All right stay" Scar said. Walking back over to his desk. He grabs the chain leash. Clipping it to my collar. "Good job" Andy said, releasing my head. "Get it off of me" I snarl, reaching for the buckle of the collar. I sharp shock touches my fingers. I yank my hand away. "Shock" Andy said. I glare at him. "No duh" I snap. He smiles his eyes showing laughter. "Let's go Amy" Scar said tugging at his end of the leash.  It pulls on my collar. Tightening on my windpipe. I choke for a second before the pressure is released. "Let's go" Scar snaps. I follow obediently behind him. "Yeah who's a good pet" Andy muttered under his breath. I whirl around and slap him on his smug face. "Bitch" Andy yelled. I feel Scar looking at me. "Did you just hit  him?" Scar asks. I roll my eyes. "No, the boogey man hit him" Scar glares at me. "First thing I don't tolerate rolling of the eyes. Second I don't like being lied at to my face. Third I don't like people attacking my workers. " Scar hissed. "So your going to be punished" he snarls. I flinch. Oh boy. Andy and his punishment is nothing compared to what Scar would give me. "I'm sorry" I told Andy. He ignores me and rubs his cheek. I see a handprint on his face. "Sorry, that I doesn't change anything" Andy snaps. I try to fight against the collar only making me choke some. "Amy come here" Scar yelled. I back away. "Amy heel" he yanks the leash. It tightens against my windpipe. "I'm not a dog" I said to Scar. He smirks in his eyes he is in his dominant status. We walk down a bunch of stairs. Heading in the basement. "Scar what is going on?" Darren yells at Scar. Scar ignores him and keeps tugging me farther down.  I feel sweat trickling down my back.  "All right sit down" Scar snaps his voice full of command. "No" I yell. I feel pain on my neck. It burns. They shocked me. "Sit" Andy yells. I ignore them and cross my arms over my chest. "No" I say firmly. Andy looks at Scar. Scar nods. Andy leaves the room. It left me and Scar. "All right obedience training is starting now" Scar snaps. I snort. "Yeah well I'm not a dog so good luck. " I tell him. Andy suddenly is back. He is hiding something behind his back. He walks over to Scar and hands of to him. My jaw drops. A muzzle. A crop. And a harness. "Yes its part of training" Andy smiles. I back away. I can't go very far since the leash tugs at my collar. "Go ahead she isn't going anywhere" Scar tells Andy . I watch as Andy walks over to me. He grabs my waist and wraps a piece of leather around it. He snaps one end with two pieces that wrap around my breasts. I tug at the leash. It tightens around my neck. "Easy girl" he smirks. He then takes the other pieces and it wraps between my legs. Tightening on my pubic area. It feels uncomfortable. I try to pull away. "Hold her collar then snap the leash on the circle piece on the harness. " Scar tells Andy. Andy grabs my collar then unsnap the leash from the collar. Quick as it came off. It was snapped on to the harness. "All right if your   bad the muzzle goes on" Scar warned me. I sigh. All right nice going brain you had to make me hit Andy. "All right on your hands and knees" Scar tells me. I get on my hands and knees. I felt stupid. I was being treated like a dog. "All right follow me" Scar said as he started walking away from me. I slowly trailed after him. I stopped and the harness tugged on my breasts and rubbed my clit. I let out a moan before I could stop it. Andy chuckles and Scar laughs. I try to cover up my embarrassment by looking away. "What's the mater you don't like the way your body reacts to our punishment methods its for your own benefit " Andy smirks. I glare at him. "Sit Amy " Scar said. I slowly sit. Only to have the harness rub my places. I stifle a moan by biting my bottom lip. "Its okay to moan it turns us on." Scar said, crouching at my level. He pushes a lock of stray hair out of my eyes. "I like your eyes" he smiles. I flinch. He frowns. He looks at the harness and checks it tightness on my areas. " Its not to tight" he said. I pull away from him. It makes it tug at my body. I let out a soft moan. "She's fine Scar" Andy told him. "I have to look after my girl make sure she isn't getting hurt" Scar said, stroking my jaw. I tug away. He frowns. "No Amy your suppose to enjoy our touch not pull away" Scar tugs lightly at my hair making me pull my head back. "Easy girl" Andy said. He slowly came over to me. He pets my head. "Good Amy" Andy said. While his other hand went down my body. Slowly skimming my back to go to my ass. I pull away from him. "Bad pet" Scar said. A sudden pain is on my ass. I realize Scar had hit me with the crop on my ass. I moan. He smiles. Then hits me agian. He gets another moan. "Are we turning you on?" Andy said. I stop wiggling against Andy hand, which was currently rested at my hip. "All right I think she's learned her lesson." Scar told Andy. He agreed. He grabs my harness and holds it while Scar releases the leash from the harness only to clip it back on the collar. "Take off the harness Andy" Scar tells Andy. The harness is taken off. I stop my moaning almost immediately. "Let's go" Scar leads me back up the stairs. To the bedroom. I watch as he leads me into his bedroom a cage is seated at the side of the bed. He opens of and I crawl inside. I feel some what cramped but not much. I go to sleep right after he closes and locks the cage door. 

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