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That's Scar Morningsern

The moment felt unreal. Scar was here, Andy was here. Two guys that wanted to just be inside my panties. I don't move. The gun was pressed on the back of my skull. I try hard not to fight. "Andy this is Scar" I try to make conversation with the two. My voice betrayed fear. "Nice to see you agian Lesley long time no see" Scar said looking at Andy. "You guys know each other?" I said confused. "How do you think I was able to find you?" Scar said. I stare angerily at Andy. "You ass-" I didn't get to finish my sentences, the gun cocked placing the bullet into the chamber. I freeze. "No cursing sweetheart" Scar said. I try not to scream. He was baiting me. "Alright get up slowly, put your hands behind your back and don't struggle." Scar said. I stay put. He hits me hard against the back with the gun. "Get up" he snapped. I slowly get to my feet. I place my hands behind my back. "Hold this" I hear Scar tell Andy. My arms are suddenly held tightly while I feel   a piece of rope or fabric being tied around my wrists. "Try and get out of them" Scar said. I try to move my wrists but there tied so tight. "I can't " I tell Scar. I image him smirking at my wrists. "Okay, give me the gun" Scar snaps at Andy. He hands the gun back to Scar. I feel Scar yank my wrists dragging me behind him. I stumble behind Scar. Andy is on my left side. "I hate you" I hiss at Andy out of the corner of my eye I see a truck parked on the side of the campus road. "Get in" Scar snaps. Pushing me into the back of the truck. I fall on the cracked leather seats. The truck smells like Scar's cologne. The truck starts moving towards the road. "Why is this happening to me" I mutter under my breath. "Because your naive. You can't think right." Andy calls from shotgun. "I wasn't asking you" I spat. He just smiles. "Lets be nice" Scar says from the drivers seat. I want to tell him to go to hell but my mouth is closed. " What is going on?" I ask . Scar doesn't say anything he just keeps driving. "I want to kill you" I said to Scar. He just smiles.   "I like you feisty, all of the other women are shy. I like women that have a mind and is fighting since I always love a good fight. " he looks me in the rearview mirror. His greenish blue eyes stare at me. "Where are we going?" I ask. Andy chuckles, "Like we would tell you" he said sneering. "Go fuck yourself Lesley" I snarl. Andy and Scar laugh. "Nah were good. We have you for that" Scar told me. I want to punch him in his flawless face. "Oh the way you makes us feel" Scar told me. Both guys let out a groan. I look disgusted at them. "You better get your mind out of the gutter" I mutter. "Or you'll do what?" Andy asks. His voice sneering. "I" I start, then realize its useless. "Yeah that's what we thought" Scar said. The sudden bump jolts me to the side. "Slow down" I growl. "I'm driving its my car, I'll choose the speed. " Scar told me. I sigh. This was going to be hard. "We are here" Scar told me a while later. I look out the window to see a house more like a place that I didn't want to go. His whorehouse.

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