lovey dovey shit.

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Kacchan and I cuddle naked on the bed, both of us completely worn out and sated from our previous...activities.

Kacchans face is in my torso and his arm is draped over my hip while my arms are wrapped around his neck loosely, I brush my lips along his hair and snuggle my face into his head and He happily purrs in response.

I breathe in his intoxicating scent and bite my lip, he smells slightly of sex and sweat but he also has a twinge of lavender and lemon hidden under the waves of suggestive smells.

After a few content moments he sighs and I feel the hot breath on my chest, warming up my already warm body and causing a chain reaction of pleasure to shoot through me.

"We need to go to school tomorrow..." He says, his voice slightly muffled by my shirt but I understand and I agree with him by stroking the back of his neck softly, letting my fingers trace different geometric shapes into the skin. I warmly smile and bite my lip.

"Yea...and I have work tonight." I say the words and I immediately feel him tense against me, his arms instinctively wrapping around me tighter, holding me closer to him and I mirror the same action. Needing his warmth to lull me back to comfort.

I'm scared.

I am. I don't know if I can ever walk into that club again.
Every time I close my eyes I see Noah...he's either claiming my lips or he's softly stroking my body in sinful places. When I get those nightmares I almost always wake up screaming and crying. I'm so thankful to wake to a pair of strong arms and a soft pair of lips kissing away any tears that happen to slide down the skin of my cheek.

"I'm scared....k-kacchan." I say, a shiver interrupting my words and my body grows nauseous again...I need a shower. I don't know why but I feel so dirty and gross.

"Ill go with you..." He states dominantly.
I hold onto kacchan tighter and hope that I can just fade away into the warmth and contentment in this moment.

I nuzzle his scalp and groan, pushing his arms off of me so I can sit up. He mirrors the action and runs his hands over his face. It's at moments like these that I can see just how mature he really is, leaning over, sun casting a shadow over his face, and the muscles of his back rippling in the dim morning sun as it casts its light on the god in front of me.

I feel my body itching to touch him, my mouth quickly becoming dry I lean forward, kissing his shoulder in a soft tender way and wrapping my arms around his waist, my head resting on his back and a content sigh slipping out of my mouth.

"I'm sure Noah will be at the club tonight..." I say, burying my face in kacchans shoulder blades and melting into the warmth of him.

"Noah's the guy who tried to rape you..."
I nod into his back and I loosen my grip around kacchans waist in favor of letting my hands rest on his hips.

"I'll kill the son of a bitch..." he says with anger rising in his voice again and I feel the muscles on his back tense involuntarily against my cheek.
I soothe out the stress in his back and shoulders with a few lazy kisses that trail downwards and a few quick strokes of my fingers as the skim his back, their sole focus is on releasing the tension knots hidden under his perfect skin.

I start my fingers at his shoulders and begin to trail them down to his shoulder blades and I use my thumbs to rub circles into the tense flesh there.

"This is weird." Kacchan suddenly says and I hum in agreement. I'm not used to being so close to one person, touching them, kissing them, fucking them.

"It's nice though." I agree with kacchan with a hum, pulling away my fingers so I can trail light kisses down his shoulder with my lips.

"You should stop that...unless you want to go another round." He purrs into my ear as a shudder wracks through my body.

"You're an actual demon." I say getting up from the bed and picking up a random shirt in the pile of discarded clothes and slipping it on with a pair of boxers underneath, even though I'm pretty sure that these boxers are kacchans...oh well....he doesn't seem to mind, in fact he's watching me with a very intense gaze.

"When do you have to go home...I'm pretty sure your mom must be worried." I ask, ruffling my hair and letting it fall to frame my face and graze the skin on my lower neck.

Kacchan just scoffs and falls back on the bed, resulting in a squeak from the older bed frame.
"My mom can deal with it..." He says nonchalantly

I raise my eyebrows at him and give him a smirk, playfulness dancing in my lips.
"Really?" I ask with sarcasm in my deep voice, my throat is a little sore from the moaning and screams of pleasure the night before but I find the feeling kind of erotic.

He ducks his head and frowns at the floor.
"I texted her that I was at a friends house yesterday when you were asleep."

I smile at him and a giggle escapes from my mouth, my hand moving to cover my lips but he grabs my arm, effectively stopping m intentions.

"Don't Deku...I wanna see your smile." He pulls me down to his level on the bed and bites my lip roughly, opining on of the previous sores as the biter taste of blood fills my mind and taste.
Typical kacchan...

He gets up from the bed, an embarrassed blush in his cheeks and his body still naked as he walks out of the room.
my limping figure follows him to the living room.

"My ass hurts." I pout at him and he just laughs at me, waving off my complains and my blush seems to multiply.

He sits on my couch, still naked and I can't hold back a cringe at the sight of his naked ass on my couch...where I put my head.

I ignore him and make my way to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water and go back to sit with kacchan.

I duck my head under his arm and lay against his side, "accidentally" spilling some cold water on his naked lap which ends with me landing on my ass on the floor and him finally putting on some pants.

For the rest of the day we just snuggled and had a few laughs...of course we indulged in a few activities...and I'm pretty sure my muscles will be crying at me tomorrow but I don't care as I hold onto kacchan and smell his sent.

"Why do you keep sniffing me?" He asks, looking down at me as I cuddle into his torso and bring my hands up to my face.

"You smells good..." comes my simple response to which he returns with a 'you smell good too idiot'.

Just a little filler...I'm thinking about having a chapter that shows kacchan and deku's first time...of course they will be younger and I'm just putting out a warning...they are very young when they first start to experiment but I think that I can add in some adorable scenarios and I think it's just so CUTE!🤭🤤

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