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That night kacchan never left my side, he laid beside me all night, letting me cling to his shirt as terrible nightmares racked my fragile body the whole night.

I woke up extremely tired after barely getting any sleep at all last night and kacchan seemed to immediately understand because he went and made a cup of fresh coffee when I finally did get up and muddle around the room aimlessly.

"I want you to know that your safe with me." He said rubbing my back with his thumb in a comforting motion like he used to do as kids.

"What happened to you can make anyone paranoid...and I'm sure that you will have some setbacks...but I'm here for you." He says staring deep into my eyes.

He's mad.
He fucking livid.

I can see it behind the caring and comfort in his eyes. He wants to murder the man who tried to take what's his and I'm almost scared at the hatred and loathing in his orbs.

"You should've seen him after I was done with him...if he ever even looks at you again I will skin his scrawny ass alive..." his whole demeanor changes and he tenses up, but he melts into a content puddle as I rub up his arm with my warm hands.

I open my mouth to speak. "Before you skin my assailant alive...we need to talk about what happened." I say and he turns to face me, giving me all his attention.

"Well....first off, what exactly happened out there after I passed out?" I say leaning against the counter with my warm coffee mug in hand and a white blanket draped around my shoulders.

"Well...I was sitting outside smoking a cigarette when I saw you walking with that I followed curiously and that's when I saw him pin you to the wall."

He clenches his fist and his body shakes in anger.
"When I saw it escalate I intervened." He says simply with pure hatred in his voice and demeanor.

"And after you passed out I burnt him to a crisp and carried you to your house."

I give him a grateful smile and my chest seems to tighten beyond all possibility as he wraps his fingers around my hand, intertwining our fingers and kissing the knuckles of my hand delicately.

Frown at our interwoven hands and give kacchan a hopeless look.
"I still don't think this is a good idea...I just want to be safe."

He gives me a comforting smile and softly leans forward to kiss my lips.
My body is set on fire and I feel as though I'm floating in air, my stomach flipping like an acrobat.

He doesn't deepen the kiss and pulls away, a soft pop echoes out as we separate and I'm immediately regretting letting him let go of my lips.

He pulls back and softly strokes my cheek with his thumb and I'm left in shock at how soft and nurturing he's being, he's acting like he does in my dreams and I'm almost about to pinch myself...there is no way this can be real...

"I promise I won't hurt you again." He pauses before continuing.
"At least not on purpose." He flashes an apologetic smile and find myself suddenly pushing my lips against his...and even though I have to get on my tippy toes to reach his mouth I'm able to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to my height.

My mind screams that this is a bad idea but I just can't keep myself from wanting this idiot as my partner and I let go of the kiss to cuddle into his warmth.

"You better not."I say holding onto him desperately.
"Because your mine now..."

I hope you enjoyed because I certainly did...

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