Questions sans réponse.

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The next day at school.

My head is filled to the brim with unanswered questions and muffled memories of last nights encounter with a dangerous part of my self control.

No one could understand the absolute horror I felt last night. All my innocent views have all been demolished and stomped on by the visions of Deku stripping his body of all garments till the only thing covering his innocence was a pair of black boxers, leaving little to the imagination of the several screaming women.

I feel anger tear through my veins as my jealousy begins to rise again, except this time it threatens to spill over like a dam filled to the brim with water, threatening to break and destroy anything and anyone in its path...

I grind my teeth together, ignoring the irritating sounds it makes as I push the soggy heap of mashed potatoes and some form of meaty protein brick around on my silver tray when the sound of familiar laugher peaks my interest.

I look over to see Deku sitting at his table talking to his friends as he does everyday, except this time he glances at me and holds eye contact with me.

Everything seems to slow down around me, I don't hear the clanking of metallic trays or the chatter of hyper teenagers as they carry on their conversations, I only focus on my Deku as the sun, shining through the grand windows of the mess hall catches his face in such a way that I see all his imperfections.
His slight smile lines that crease around his face and the dark bags that hang below his eyes, make him look even more perfect in my eyes.

I don't want this moment to end but all too soon he looks away and everything around me returns to it's crazy loud self as usual.

"Hey Deku, do you wanna hang out after school today? I heard that there's a new section of the library opening up today."

This peaks my interest and I listen in.

"Ahhh, I c-can't I have to w-work today..." he stumbles through his words and scratches at his temple.

"You know I don't like you working there...if you need money my family is more than wil-"

"No!" Deku shouts causing some of the people around him to look in concern but quickly return to eating and conversing with one another.

"Uhhh, I'm sorry Ida, but I can do this by myself...I don't need anyone's help, thank you though." Deku returns to his food and they remain quiet the rest of lunch period.

I look away and furrow my brow, knitting them together in question.
Why does Deku need money?
His mom should be well off...unless he needs the money for something...

I'm even more confused about Deku than I was before, I decide that I need to confront him...for my sake and his.

I know this is short but I'm tired and I need to give you guys something since I feel so bad that I forgot about you all...ugh I really need to set some time apart for this fanfic.

Anyway...I'm glad I got to give you guys something!

Hypocrite Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ