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We sat all together, talking happily. For once in the world, everything seemed right.

As we finished I took my plate and Jess's to the sink to wash them off. As soon as I turned on the water, my eyes began to burn in a indescribable pain, making me scream and groan as I dropped the plates onto the ground. They shattered at my feet, sure to cut me with any movement.

^You must come to me, find your way to the unseen lands. They can be heard, but no one can see them besides you and two others. This is the way it's meant to be, you have 24 hours starting at midnight. Don't fail us.^

A voice in my head boomed throughout, making my head spin as if it were to explode.

"What's happening," someone asked from far behind me as I was able to regain 'consciousness'.

I looked upwards, to my family standing behind me.

"Are you okay," Jess asked in an extremely worried tone.

"I'm fine, just scared. I need to go, please help me pack a bag," I said, attempting not to cry.

"Jess, talk to me. What happened," my mother asked in a tone I had only once heard before. That was the tone that was used when my dad first beat my Sam.

I looked at her, my heart sinking from the tone. "M-mom," I said softly. I wanted to fall to the ground and cry. I wanted them to understand what just happened without me saying anything.

"Just tell us what happened," she said, that same tone ringing through.

"A voice in my head, not one of a human or anything I have heard before," I began explaining with my heavy heart. "It said I was to go to a place that could not be seen only heard within 24 hours. If not, there would be consequences," I finished.

They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"How do you know this isn't a joke?" My youngest brother asked, tears streaming down his face.

I moved my foot to embrace him in an attempt to make him calm down. They all backed up as soon as I moved, sharp pains exploded in my feet. I couldn't even feel it, the pain from the sight in front of me seemed to blind me.

"I need to go. I'm so sorry," I said, stepping around the broken plates and to my bedroom.

No one followed me, no one even bothered to so much as look me in the eye. I quickly grabbed a large bag with the things I needed and plenty of money. I looked around the room one last time, finding a sticky note.

I quickly wrote a note to Jess, "Dear Jess, I'm sorry. Please don't be afraid or hate me. Or do, but please take care of my family while i'm gone."

I then walked down the stairs and past the chattering voices that were still in panic mode and out of the house towards my destination. The one place that would make sense: Soli no Sigag forest.

(520 words)

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