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I was about to go crazy if we didn't get out of that place, I couldn't stand Lola's voice any longer.

I payed and then led them all out to my car, it was a tight fit but it was doable. 

"Lola, I can take you home while were on our way home,"  I said, a bit annoyed. 

She sighed before answering, "I guess, I live up there." She pointed to a hill that was where the more wealthy houses were. 

"Oh really, in Angel Gardens," I said rhetorically. 

She gave a snicker and nodded. 

^Where the actual rich people live, unlike you peasants.^

^She must live a very fancy life.^

^You rich little bitch.^

I laughed a little at the comments as I drove up the hill towards where she said she lived. I was still annoyed by her rude comments. She's always been rude it's like she knows exactly what to say to get under my skin.

I was snapped out of my thought by a screeching voice behind me. "That's mine!" 

I slammed to a stop as she kicked the back of my seat, probably intentionally. I grumbled a little as she got out without saying thank you, but a probably intentionally annoying, "Bye Babe." 


My phone buzzed as I was about to start the engine again. 

"Hello," I asked, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"C-c-ome g-get me. NOW PLEASE," a familiar voice screamed out of breath from the other end of the line. 

"I'm on my way, home," I asked.   

"Yes. H-hurry," Jess, my best friend, screamed.

"Don't hang up," I instructed. 

"I won't," she said in a shaky voice. 

"Mom hold the phone for me please," I said, handing her the phone that was on speaker. 

I turned on the engine and began to speed down the streets towards her house. My heart raced in my chest, something bad was happening. Several things at once were going wrong. 

^Is everything okay?^

^What's going on?^

^Is little Jess okay?^

^What the hell, I don't have a good feeling about this.^


I slammed on the breaks at a brick house, on the poorer side of town. I unbuckled myself and get out of the car with my phone in my hand.

"Where are you," I asked worriedly, but gently. 

"I see y-you just give me a s-second." she said 

She ran out from her back gate, her clothes dirty and ripped. Her face, arms, and legs bruised and red. Her eyes red and puffy from crying, I assume. She ran to me wrapping her arms around my waist, burring her face into my neck, and letting the tears fall. I hugged my best friend back, shushing her comfortingly. 

"You can explain later, lets just go to my house, yeah," I asked quietly, hugging her petite body. 

She just nodded as a response and followed me to the car. I walked over to my mother side of the car, asking her to drive so Jess and I could sit comfortably. It wasn't weird for her to sit on my lap, she is practically my sister. 

My mother drove us all back to our house, no one saying a word aloud.

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