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As the final bell rung we both walked out of the school towards my car, where a couple bodies stood against the car. As I got closer I realized who the faces belonged to, they were my second eldest brother and his 'girlfriend.' I absolutely hate her, she uses Zander. He doesn't see that she's manipulative and a horrible person overall.

^Look, it's the little homo^

I made my way to the car, stopping in front of them. I attempted to put on my most cheesy smile.

"Hey, how was your day," I asked, pulling out my keys.

"It was good, the new kids seemed interesting. I heard that they all got kicked out of their old school because of rumors," he stated almost excitedly.

"We don't know if that's true, but even so, more rumors probably won't help so don't try to add onto their situation," I said, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said in a unenthused voice.

"Get in, we wont be here for much longer. Hopefully Jake, Ricky, Kai, and Sam, won't be long." I sighed.

We all got inside the car. Zander and his girlfriend talked while I turned on the car and A.C. Her annoying voice rung in my ear the whole time we waited, she wouldn't shut up.

^Ugh, why am I here? Just in it for the sex, but even that's limited in his abilities.^

She disgusts me, she only uses him and he cant see it. He is so blind! If only he could see that he's playing with fire and he's going to get burnt, but he can't feel it.

A light tap on the window scared me out of my angry thoughts.

"Didn't mean to scare you, but we're all ready to go," my eldest brother said, laughing.

I nodded, motioning them to get into the car. As they piled in, I turned on the radio looking for a good song.

^These peasants are squishing me. Although the one in the passenger seat is cute. Damn!^

I cringed at her disgusting words, how can she say such things without feeling guilty?

I rolled to a stop and parked in front of our house. I motioned for everyone to get out of the small cramped car, while pulling out my keys with my other hand. I stepped out of the car, stretching my arms and legs. I quickly walked up to the house, not wanting to hear another word out of anyone's mouth. I'm tired of the lies and listening, I just want quiet to engulf me.

As I walked into the house, voices immediately boomed in my head. I held my head, groaning as I shrunk down into the soft carpet.

"Jess! Are you ok," Sam, one of my older brothers, yelled worriedly.

I tried to answer, but I couldn't. This only happens when something bad goes on or people are screaming in there heads. My family knows about this, but still get extremely worried when it happens. The only cure is for people to stop screaming or when the bad situation is over or solved.

"Mom," Kai, my youngest brother screamed, attempting to get our mother's attention.

Our mother sprinted into the mudroom, following the screaming voices. The came in with a worried look on her face, with tears already streaming down her face.

"Honey, what's wrong," she asked in a shaky voice.

I managed to catch my breath, before sitting up and looking at everyone in front of me.

"I'm okay now. Mom, is everything okay with you," I asked.

"Just your father," she said not finishing her sentence.

I looked down to my lap, knowing things were about to get bad if we went into my house. My parents ,ever sense my eye color change, have fought about anything and everything. Well I should say my dad, he is the problem and now he drinks and smokes. I am aware it's my fault, they have even both thought it, but I try to do everything I can for them.

^Just take your siblings away from the house, dad isn't great right now.^

One of the funnest things that my 'ability' does is that people can tell me things without actually speaking.

I stood up, regaining my balance and letting my eyes adjust to the sudden movement before turning around to face the rest of my siblings.

"Let's go get ice cream or something. You too, mom," I said, smiling.

She gave me a confused look, before it turned sad. Basically saying don't pity me. I ignored the look and grabbed her shoulder, quickly walking us all out of the large house and to my small car.

"Oh, Lola, where do you live I can take you home," I said trying to hint that she needed to go home.

^That was rude, who the hell does she think she is. She didn't invite me over.^

I couldn't help but glare at her for a quick second, before starting the car's engine.

"She's fine, she can come with us," Zander said, attempting to defend his 'girlfriend.'

I didn't bother saying anything before I drove off, down the streets towards an ice cream shop. One that we have been going to since we were kids. After all, we all aren't that far off in age.

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