Snuggles+a/n update!

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Dani's POV

Light streaming in from the windows brightened the room, pulling me out of sleep. My eyes slowly opened and came into focus. As usual, the typical has-been-the-same-since-1974 motel wallpaper was faded and peeling at the edges. The vintage furniture was dusty and cushions from the couch were fraying. Didn't take long for me to realize that, over time, it had slowly crept it's way into becoming my life. But that's how things were I guess.

But it was beautiful in a hidden, concealed kind of way. The room became illuminated with the soft glow of the early morning sunrise. The smell of old books brought back memories of home.

I roll over to my left side and find myself inches away from the sleeping face of Sam Winchester. His face, like my surroundings, brought a little bit of comfort to me when it felt like there was nothing left. He looked almost younger when he slept, less weathered down. Almost as if he hadn't been through so much, or seen things one shouldn't have to see. His breaths were steady and even. With his body wrapped up in the faded bed sheets, I could feel the warm heat his body was generating. The funny thing about Sam was that his face could change based on what happened in his dream. At this moment he wrinkled his nose and pursed his lips, as if smelling something foul. But as suddenly as it came, the moment passed and he was back to smiling again, triggered by a pleasant moment in his little dreams.

I pushed myself up to sit, my back leaning against the headboard, and looked over at the other queen-sized bed in the room. There, sprawled out against the covers, was Laura and Dean. The both slept like complete messes, one usually ending up on the floor. I chuckled to myself. I looked over at Sam again, who's lock of hair somehow found its way across his cheek. I gently brushed it away, causing him to stir. His eyes fluttered opened and took a moment to register that I was looking down on him.

"Hey," he whispered, groggy from sleep.

"Hi sleepy head. How'd you sleep?" I replied.

"Fine," he yawned, "you?"

"Like a log." I chuckled.

"Mmhmm good." Sam said softly, slipping back into sleep.

"Oh no ya don't!" I groaned. If there was one thing I hated, it was being the first one awake and having to sit around and wait. 

"Wha-" he said, startled by my actions.

"I don't want to be the only one awake. It's only 7 o'clock and we don't have to be up until at least 10! That's three hours of me twiddling my thumbs. So nope to that option." I scolded.

"F-fine then. C'mere," he spoke softly, almost like a whisper.

I smiled, getting that warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest everytime I was with Sam. He pulled me closer into his arms. I lied on my side while sam adjusted his position to wrap his arm around my waist, tracing circles with his thumb onto my stomach. His breaths started to return to a steady, sleepy pace as he drifted off to sleep once more.

"Hey Sam?" I said, softly.

"Hmm?" he whispered back, half asleep by now.

"Love you."

"Love you too."


I know ok I SUCK AT WRITING AND UPDATING. but it's late and it's summer and I'm sore from camp so this is purty special for me to be updating haha just kidding. I love love LOVE you all so much like you can't understand. Haters gon hate and potaters gon potate and that's how the world is. I'm gonna go now but I SWEAR ILL UPDATE SOON. ok bye have a good day! (Or night depending on when you're reading this in my case goodnight:)

Buh bye! mwah! <3<3

Btw sorry this is so short ill do better next time ok by for now!

Ttfn ta ta for now

Ok sorry I'm lame ok byeeeee:D

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