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I want to start by saying—sorry. Sorry I stopped writing this story. Sorry that I left it hanging into the open with no one knowing what's going on.

For one, I don't write like this anymore. My writing style has changed dramatically. For the better in my opinion.

Overall, I got bored and annoyed with where this story was going and I lost faith in my writing and what I was writing. Which is why I was gone from Wattpad for so long.

HOWEVER, this story will see the light of day once again. Just not by this title—I know that might throw you right off. But tbh I hate this title. I came up with it when I was 15 and it's super cringeworthy. This whole story is cringeworthy. Anyways the majority of the characters are the same in my rewritten version—which if you checked out my bio—it's called TO ME. Which I think suits the story better and gets it away from people thinking this is a fan fiction. I have absolutely nothing against fan fiction. I just don't personally write it. I have always loved the Legend of Zelda games, they are actually my favourite video game—fun facts about me😂. Anyways I always wanted to have two character with names Zelda and Link, but Link obviously being Lincoln and Link as a nickname. That was purely it. Nothing in the story has anything to do with the great deku tree or the ocarina of time or ganondorf.

For now I'll leave what I have of this story anyways, simply because why take it down when the new version isn't even started?

Currently working on a story called Cold As Ice. Updates are going to be every Sunday. If you want feel free to give it a read. I'm really proud of it—shamelessly advertising my own stories in another one of my stories.

Again I'm so so so SORRY.

Until we meet again with the new version of ISTIAVG.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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