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5 December

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5 December

Welcome To My Life.

I have made a big decision.

To start blogging.

I'm not sure what came upon me, but something in me is screaming to get out and into the world. This seemed like the most logical way to have contact with others without having to go outside (who really likes socializing in real life anyways?)

It seems I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm elliebellie, but you can call me ellie. I know that it's not particularly the best name I could have chosen, but currently it was the best I could think of. It's hard to think properly when you are under an extreme amount of pressure to choose the best name and I think that I possibly failed miserably at doing so.

What I have decided to blog about,  I'm not certain. Hopefully my own style will come into play and eventually this might turn into something more than an awkward girl talking on the internet.

This blog will never be top notch or perfect, but it will be me. That is something I can say is the truth. I will never be more real than right here on this blog, in a way this relieves all the stress I had from this morning.

You see I don't have the best life. Many people who do know me would tell you otherwise. Why? Because I guess you could say my life is the definition of perfect.

Perfect: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.

Yep that defines what my life is, or would be considered. In all honestly, I'd rather be anyone but me, but I can't really change who I am, but this blog is letting me.

I hope this wasn't the worst introduction in the world. I hope you wish to carry on reading.

I thought this would be a fun a little twist to put on my blog (others have probably already done this, but hey you do you right?), a question of the day.

So my question for you is, how would you define your life? Is it similar to the way I define mine?

I would love to know!

Can't wait to continue this new journey with all of you.


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