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7 December

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7 December

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things.

Okay so maybe I just totally ripped off The Sound Of Music (but who cares it's a cute title), anyways before we get to my favourite things, I need to rant about something.

Today I couldn't catch a break, and what I mean by that is that my arch nemesis (okay maybe I'm being a bit dramatic). But it didn't matter what I did somehow I got sucked into being partnered with them, talk about them and then worst of all talking to them.

I don't know why these things constantly happen to me, but in a time of stress I think of my favourite things.

• My bed (It's the softest and most comfortable thing ever, I just dissolve and become my bed)
• My best friend (I love them, they just make me feel better when I'm down.)
• My laptop (Which basically means you guys! Because I never do anything else on here unless it consists of homework)

I'll stop at three, because I know I could go on forever. Especially with the mindset I'm in, I'm sure it would turn into a giant 1000+ novel (I'm over exaggerating again, but that's who I am).

I would like to thank @purpleposeyrosey101 for commenting, that meant a lot (I will forever remember you as the one who put my blog into action).

I just want to surround myself in a loving community, which this definitely is!

Also on the topic of thanking people, I want to to congratulate my friend, who has been conditionally accepted into University. They deserve it, even if they think they don't and I couldn't be more proud.

Hopefully I'll be accepted too....(dun dun dah!)

My question of the day for you is, what are you favourite things? What are you most thankful for? And why?

I'd love to know!

As always


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