Forget him

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Soo Rim pov
I was walking to school and when I reached the school gate I see my boyfriend Jeon Jungkook he looked kind of piss.

I walk to him and said "Hey babe, you okay you look mad" he just rolled his eyes.

JK: "look we're breaking up. Now get out of my sight."

SR: "what? But why Jungkook?"

JK: "because you're a ugly nerd. Who would like you"

With that I ran into the bathroom crying but to my surprise I see my best friends crying too. So I walked to them.

SR: "yah why are you guys crying" SB:"our boyfriends just dumped us and said that we're ugly nerds" SinB said while sobbing.

SR"I thought I was the only only one". After awhile we stop crying and just left school and went to my house.

(A/n: so just if you're wondering Sinb is with Yoongi, Momo with Jimin, Jisoo with Taehyung. Ok back to the story)

We were just siting in the living and talked and finally agreed to forget those jerks and change ourselves up for a big party tomorrow.

We decided to start the change today, right now. So we drive to the mall.

After 15 minutes we arrived and went to buy clothes first then we went into MAC makeup store and bought our own make.

Everything was expensive but it was fine cause our parents are CEO of bight company in Korea.

Next and lastly our hair. I went with light purple, SinB went with black, Jisoo went with light but dark red, and Momo went with light brown.

After that you pay for your hair and went home and decided to have a sleepover since they're no school tomorrow and it's the party so you all with get ready together.

A/n: sorry if the story short I'm just too lazy and at the moment I'm depressed but I'll try to update more

Regret// Jungkook ff Where stories live. Discover now