Chapter 3~ The Truth

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The next day

"Rosey?" Amelia asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes Melia?"

"Mummy hurt someone," She spoke quietly so nobody else could hear.

"It won't leave me." She was shaky, her secret was out, she needed help, she needed me to help her.

"What won't leave you Melia?" I ask as I grab her and wrap her in my arms hugging her.

"The rain pouring, the smashing glass, the big bang." Tears were pour down her face, pain shown on her face remembering the details, she was holding me as if I was her life saver at sea.

"Shh its okay Melia it's alright." I whisper speak while rubbing her strawberry blonde hair back.

"Mummy made us leave." She spoke between sobs. Curiosity was getting to me as they had a perfect house anything they want only bad thing was no dad in the picture, but I would never push Amelia to tell me because you just see all the pain it brings looking into her bright blue eyes.

Amelia falls asleep in my arms her face bright red from crying my bunny shirt Amelia brought me is soaked though with tears as the moon hits the middle of the bright night sky.

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