Chapter 15

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"Have you been diagnosed with anything?" Judy asked.


"Any mental disorders?" the bunny continued.

"No," I answered. "I was never tested for anything since I never showed any abnormal behavior... until my mom died." A few more seconds of silence passed.

"...We should get you to a psychiatrist," Nick suggested. He had a point. With the way I had acted before, it wouldn't be a surprise if there was something wrong with me.

✦ ✦ ✦

After visiting a psychiatrist, who turned out to be a porcupine that went by the name "Mohsin  Khalique". We learned that I had Dissociative Identity Disorder, a mental disorder that causes split personality. And if that was the case, then that meant there was basically another person in me, that is also me.

During the meeting, the psychiatrist told me to try to "communicate" with him or her. I somewhat succeeded in doing so, for all I saw was a white figure in a pitch black abyss. I was unable to do anything else.

At least we knew what was wrong now. I just need to make sure my "other self" doesn't show.

When we left, I got the strange feeling that I was being watched. I turned to my left and saw nothing but a busy street, nothing out of the ordinary... for this world, anyway. But when I looked to my right, I noticed a shadow duck behind a bush. Was it the one that was watching me?

"You alright, Josh?" Judy asked, wondering what I was looking at.

Whoever that was, I knew for sure that they were following me.

'What should I do?' I thought to myself.

1. Investigate
2. Run

You make the choice.

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Zootopia: Not My World [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt