Chapter 9

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I woke up to someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes to find a crowd of scientists, along with Ava, Nick, and Judy. Nick and Judy asked me what happened, and I explained, not leaving out a single detail.

"So, you broke out because you heard Ava crying?" Judy asked, wanting to confirm.

"Yeah," I answered. "It's agonizing for me to know that a friend is upset. I would do anything to protect my friends, even if it meant putting my life at risk."

The scientists started whispering to each other, one even crying tears of joy from my claim.

If I couldn't protect my friends, I would cause another massacre, just like how I would if people were to ignore me if I needed to get the pain off my chest.

Of course, I still needed to go back to my containment room... At least I was able to do something outside of that damn prison chamber.

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