"FUCK!" I yelled and threw my board down. He made me so fucking mad, I could hardly handle myself. I stormed inside and stomped up to my room. As I was going up the steps, I could hear Zach laughing loudly from the living room. It was disgusting... I stayed up in my room for a while, sitting on my bed, staring at my wooden floor thinking about what just happened.

When I was finally cooled down, I decided to go back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of Sprite from the refrigerator when I saw Zach eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table. He looked at me without much of an expression.

"Hey." He cleared his throat. "Can you hand me my cigarettes?" I looked at the counter next to the fridge to see a pack of Parliament 100s sitting there. I sneered at him, thinking it was a cruel joke.

"No." Ha! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! I left the kitchen and entered the living room, not even looking at him for a reaction. I sort of regretted not looking though... that was part of the satisfaction of being rude. Well, I figured he was such an ass to me, someone had to be an ass to him back!

I sat down on the couch and opened my Sprite, taking a long sip of it. My mouth had dried because of how angry I'd gotten earlier. It was gross. I looked down at my shoes. They were caked with slightly dried mud. It had rained last night, and I'd accidentally stepped in some mud when I went to sit by the tree earlier that morning. I lifted my leg and touched a spot on my shoe. A large piece of dirt crumbled to the floor. I looked at it but didn't move to pick it up.

Footsteps sounded from the hallway, I figured Claudia had come downstairs, and eventually led into the kitchen. "Good morning... well, afternoon, Zachary."

"Gutten tag, Mutter...," He replied without much emotion. I heard the faucet run and the sound of dishes hitting each other. I could tell it was not Claudia who had put it in the sink. She took much more care with her dishes... "Ach, Mutter! Kara is coming over later today, I hope that is okay?" She sighed loudly.

"You could have asked, Zach... or, well, at least told me sooner you know," Claudia said in a disappointed manner.

"My apologies," Zach replied. "What time does Vater come home? I would like her to get here before that so that there is no.. you know... awkward moments."

"Ach, ja... Five or six. He has been having to work later hours lately," she said glumly. Deron didn't like me very much, I knew that. But I was beginning to get the feeling that he really didn't like anyone. Claudia and his relationship seemed to be dwindling.

"Great...," Zach sounded relieved. "I hope he fucking works all night. Vater is such a... a piece of-"

"Nein, Zach!" She said sharply. "Sprechen sie über Ihren vater wie das nicht. Besonders, wenn Dylan ringsherum ist." I hated when they spoke German. I managed to catch my name in it, though... It bothered me even more that way.

"Schade...," Zach replied in a low tone, sounding quite displeased.

I looked at my Sprite sitting on the coffee table. Sweat was forming heavily on it, and when I lifted it to take a swig, there were three wet spots from it on the table. I looked up at the blank TV in front of me. I could see my reflection in it.. I never really watched TV. I enjoyed listening to music or hanging out outside much better.

I sighed, silence from the kitchen, and leaned down in my seat farther in an attempt to get more comfortable. Suddenly Claudia appeared in the archway of the living room. "Dylan, sweetie." She smiled. "Are you hungry for lunch?" She asked. I shook my head, glancing over to see that it was already going on two o'clock. I was still full from my egg sandwich strangely.

"No, I'm okay for now," I answered. She shook her head, a slight worried look on her face.

"You are skin and bones, my dear! You must start eating more," She scolded and I grinned slightly. "Are you not feeling well?"

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