Chapter 9

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Shyla’s POV:

Man did we get Cleo drunk.

Calvyn stayed with her in the back seat of her car while I drove us to her apartment building. She was a giggling mess. Her cheeks were pink with all the alcohol making her warm. “Hey Shyla. Hey Shyla. Guess what.” She said for the tenth billion time.

“What?” I replied with gritted teeth.

“Your name starts with Shy and you can be shy!” she exclaimed, amusing herself. Calvyn rolled his eyes, tired of hearing that a million times. Tessa was so drunk she pretty much was knocked out when we got into the car. We finally got to the apartment. “I’ll take Tessa up and you help Cleo,” Calvyn told me. He pretty much handed over Cleo to me, who laughed and pointed to me. “You’re so funny it’s adorable!” she exclaimed.

“You’re so drunk it’s not funny.”

She crossed her arms and pouted. “Come along Chadwick,” I told her, dragging her up the apartment stairs. Once we got to her apartment, I threw her into her bed. “Night Cleo,” I told her, shutting her door. I saw Calvyn coming in and lying Tessa on the couch. “I’ll stay ‘ere with them and you can go home,” I told him. He nodded, yawned and went to his apartment.

My first option was the couch. Seeing as that was taken by Tessa, I had no other option but to sleep where none of us had dared to go yet.

Allen’s room.

I knocked on his door when I remembered wait, he doesn’t live here anymore. I opened the door and lay down in his bed. I looked around the room, noticing everything in it bothered me. Noticing he hasn’t come back for his stuff.

We all knew he would eventually.

On his nightstand he had a picture of him and Cleo. Cleo was in a lovely dress and he was in a suit. They were at a dinner party, and I remembered that night well. Tessa had taken that picture. I remembered Cleo’s dress was red, and I also that was the night he proposed.

There was never a wedding. Allen told us they just went to a church and had their marriage verified or something like that.

I lay the picture down on its face and turn around, finally finding sleep.

Riplee’s POV:

What a mess Allen turned into after what happened.

He sat on the couch all day. My couch. All he ever did was watch TV. When a commercial came on that Cleo was in (and trust me – there were plenty) he would swear under his breath and change the channel. After the second day, I had enough.

I stood between him and the TV. “Listen to me Allen,” I ordered him. “Get out of your sump. She wasn’t even legally your wife, and she wasn’t the one that you loved.”

He shot back “I loved her to you know. It’s not like I’m not affected by her kicking me out.”

“You never even slept with her! You’ve slept with me more than you did with her!”

“Yea so?”

“So, that says something! You loved me!”

“No, it says you were lust and she was love!”

I gave him a glare. Oh, how I hated him now, and he could see it. “Rip, listen, I didn’t mean-“

“Out. Out! I never want to see you again!” I grabbed him by the arm and threw him out. I turned back and took the mug lying on the table in front of the TV and threw it at the wall. I heard a commercial come on and I turned around at the sound of Cleo’s voice.

She smiled in the commercial and laughed along with the commercial family. All I thought was you broke him Cleo, and I’ll get you back.

George’s POV:

I woke up fairly early in the morning. I looked over at Ringo’s bed, even though I could already hear him snoring. I threw a pillow at him. All I got was a grunt in reply. “Get up Rich, I want to get breakfast before its lunch.” I got up and got changed by the time he finally emerged. While I brushed my hair and teeth he got ready. “Meet you downstairs,” I told him.

When I got downstairs, by the time I had all of my food on my plate Ringo had just came downstairs. “Well isn’t someone slow this morning,” I teased him. He rolled his eyes and went and got food. He came and sat down next to me.

“So,” he started while eating food. “I thought maybe we’d go see Cleo today?”

I nodded and smiled as I ate. When we see Cleo, we usually see Shyla, and that’s just one more plus to going.

Cleo’s POV:

At around noon I realized that today was the day we were supposed to film for the commercial. “Ugh,” I groaned. Just the thought of leaving the house made me want to puke, like I already had did all this morning. Life tip: Never drink as much as I think I did. I couldn’t even remember most of last night. Hopefully I didn’t do anything stupid.

But knowing me I probably did.

I pick up the phone and call in sick. As soon as I hang up the phone there’s a knock at the door. “SHYLA SOMEONE’S AT THE DOOR!” I yell.


I get up and answer the door.

You’ll never guess who was waiting at the door.

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