Chapter 3

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Cleo’s POV:

We were talking and laughing and having a really good time. I had a couple of more drinks; I was probably up to three when I heard the door open. My back was angled away from the door so I couldn’t see who came in, and I didn’t really care. Tessa and Shyla fawned at the two guys who came in. “They’re cute!” Shyla said quietly.

“Who?” I asked. The bar was fairly busy, and by the time I turned around there were multiple guys.

“It doesn’t matter Cleo, you’re married. We although, happen to be single and ready to mingle,” Tessa replied, shifting around in her seat. I realized we were all wearing things that would make people think we wanted to hook up. Shyla was wearing a blue, strapless dress that went down to her knees. Tessa was wearing a red sparkly dress with short sleeves that changed at the waist into a black skirt. I was wearing a little black dress, tank straps that went down an inch or two above my knees.

Shyla rolled her eyes and pointed the two guys out saying “Those two, well, one is more cute than the other,” she said, staring at the taller one with dark hair. After staring at them for a while, I realized one of them looked familiar. One of them looked VERY familiar.

Then it hit me, the memories.

Was it really him? Could it really be Richard? Richard Starkey?

I can feel the memories coming back. The feelings from the break up, my month long depression. The fact we had to move all the way back here just to get me to stop crying every day. All of it. I could feel the heat drain out of me, and I started to get dizzy. “Are you okay?” Tessa asked, looking over at me.

Of course I’m not okay. “I’m f-fine…” I reply.

“Cleo, I know you’re not. You look about ready to puke.”

“I drank too much.”

“Cleo, I’ve seen you down 10 drinks and still be able to walk straight. You have a high alcohol tolerance, so that’s not it. Just tell us.”

I sigh as I hear a voice say “Cleo, is that you?” I look up; it’s the voice I knew even though I haven’t heard it in six years. At that moment, there’s no denying that’s Richard. A real Richard to, if you know what I mean.

Tessa and Shyla are excited that the guy (they really hadn’t been staring at Richard) and try to look all flirty all of a sudden. Shyla ends up looking like she has a kindergarten IQ and is tying knots in her hair. Tessa looks decent flirty, except she can lay off the big eye look. Richard just invites himself over to sit next to me and the other guy sits next to Tessa, which makes Shyla jealous.

I look down and avoid looking at him. “Long time no see eh? Fancy meeting you here,” he says. I can tell he’s putting on an act, it’s in his voice. I go from upset to furious.

I meet his eyes, rage meeting mime and I say “Cut the shit Richard, this isn’t a coincidence and we both know it.”

I know I’ve shocked Richard and I’m pretty sure the others to. He looks hurt as he replies “I just came to apologize, that’s all.”

“You didn’t fly over the sea to apologize. Don’t tell me you’ve been here for a while because your Liverpool accent sticks out like a sore thumb.”

“Okay, you caught me. I wanted to…”

“No. I can’t, and most of all, I won’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

I shove my wedding ring in his face, the diamond shining brightly on its place. He looks shocked as I say “I’m married. Goodbye Richard,” I get up and leave the bar, not looking back once.

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