Chapter 2

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6 years later…

Paul’s POV:

“Finally! It’s a miracle, an entire month off!” I cried. John, George and Ringo nodded excitedly.

“I know where I’m going,” John stated. “I’m going to vacation in France.”

“You know I knew that John. I’m going with you for Christ’s sake.”

“Well I’m staying here,” George stated. “What about you Rings?”

Ringo thought about it for a second. “I’m gonna go to Australia,” he decided.

I laughed. “You know they have spiders so big there, you ‘ave to shoot them to kill them!” I exclaimed. He shrugged. I rolled my eyes. “Well, have fun. Take George why don’t you, it’s not like he has anything to do.”

George looked at Ringo and shrugged. “Why not?” Ringo asked. They were going to have fun.

George’s POV:

It was the day Ringo and I were leaving for Australia. We got to the airport, went through security and stuff, and got on a private plane to avoid fans. Once we got on the plane, I asked Ringo “So is there any reason you wanted to go to Australia?”

Ringo, closing his eyes, replied “Not really.”

“Rings, I know there’s some reason. It’s not just a random place you picked off the top of your head.”

He sighed. “Look – when I was 17, I was dating this amazing bird. She was pretty, funny and understanding. She was the whole package, and I dumped ‘er!”

“That was six years ago Rings! You have dated so many others since then.”

“Yea, but they never made me feel what I felt when I was with her. Even when I manage to get a good shag, it’s still not the same as just one night with her. And I realize, that after all this time, I still love her.”

“Okay, so were gonna get there. How do you even plan on finding her?”

“Well, I remember when we were dating she said she wanted to be an actress. She had talent, and she probably already made a name for herself. We at least might be able to find the city she’s in.”

“Well, what if she didn’t?”

“I HAVE NO TIME FOR YOUR WHAT IFS RIGHT NOW MR. HARRISON I AM GOING TO SLEEP!” Ringo yelled, half kidding. I smirked and lay down myself. Soon, we’d land in Australia and we’ll be looking for Ringo’s lost love.

Cleo’s POV:

I woke up in the morning to the smell of eggs. Oh my gosh, how I love eggs! I spring out of bed and get into some real clothes before exiting the room and seeing Allen cooking breakfast. Who’s Allen? He’s the man who put a ring on my finger a year ago, taking my love for his own. Though we lived together and we were married, we’ve never actually slept together. Not once.

In fact, sometimes I wonder if he even loves me back.

He looks up and gives me his million dollar smile, which make a smile spread wide across my face. I kiss him on the cheek and say “Oh my, are you feeling okay today?”

“Yeah why?” he asks suspiciously.

“Well, you’re cooking breakfast, and that’s a first.”

He rolls his eyes and looks at his watch. He put the eggs on a pan and says “Well, I’ve got to go to work. I’ve got to work late again tonight; will you be okay here Mrs. Chadwick?”

“It’s Mrs. Banning, it has been for almost a year now!”

“Yeah, but I still like the ring of your old last name. Plus, you did keep it as your stage name.”

“Yea true, and yes I’ll be okay. Now go now, don’t want you to be late!”

He nods and leaves out the door, leaving me to eat my eggs alone. I had plans tonight anyways, my friends, Shyla and Tessa, wanted to go to a bar tonight. It was one of my favorite bars to, so I probably would’ve been there already.

I spend most of my day watching T.V., going over my lines for an upcoming commercial I was going to be in and got ready. I made myself look halfway decent, and sat down with a book for a while. The phone rang and I picked it up. “Hello?” I asked.

“Hello!” A cheery voice exclaimed on the other side on the line. It was Tessa, I knew that right away. “We still on for tonight?”

“Yeah,” I replied, my mood brightened at the sound of my friend’s voice. “I’m just about to leave.”

“Well, I’ll see you then!”

There was a click as she hung up the phone. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my jacket and I was out the door. I took my time walking to the bar, and walked in. I was a regular, and so the bartender immediately knew what I wanted. I got my drink and headed to a table, waiting for the others to arrive.

It wasn’t a large bar. There was a counter to get your drink, and if you desired, a little snack. In the middle of the room there was a pool table and an air hockey table too. I could see the door clearly from where I was sitting, and smiled when Shyla walked it. She smiled at me and came over, but didn’t sit quite yet. “I’m going to get a drink real fast,” she declared. I nodded, and off she went.

A minute later, she came back and sat down. We talked for a little bit when Tessa finally arrived. She smiled at us and went to go buy a drink. When she sat down, we kept talking and talk, though they did all the talking. I mean, I talk a bunch when I have to, but in real life I just hate talking for a long period of time uninterrupted. We talked most of the night.

Ringo’s POV:

We got settled in a hotel room around 12:00. I uneasily paced around the room while George got ready to go. “You nervous Rings?” he asked. I nodded and he asked “Why?”

“Well – we didn’t exactly leave on good terms. I had to leave for three months, and I broke up with her when I told her. She was crying and just told me to leave with enough force that made me think that she wanted me to leave forever. I didn’t talk to her or call her while I was away. When I came back, I ran to her house, but she had moved back here.”

“So how long did you two date?”

“A little over a year.”

George didn’t say much after that. After he got ready, we went out. We walked around for a while, thankfully no one recognizing us. We went up to a guy who looked pretty nice and asked “Do you happen to know a Cleo-”

Before I got to finish he replied “You don’t need to finish, I already know who you’re talking about. Cleo is popular around here, she’s usually at the bar just a mile from here. Catch a taxi and tell them to take you to Denio’s Bar.”

I thanked him and called out for a taxi. It came and we got in, asking him to take me to where he said. Once we got there, I paid him and got out. I looked at the bar, it wasn’t very big. I looked through the window and saw her, as pretty as ever. She had changed a noticeable bit, but I could still recognize her. George looked at me. “You ready Richard?” I looked at him and nodded. We walked in, getting the attention of her friends.

Well this is going to be interesting.

Not A Second TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora