Chapter 7

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Shyla’s POV:

Okay, so I’m going to start by telling you, when George asked if I was going to kiss him again, I was a bit hurt. I only get unreasonably attracted to boys when I’m drunk, which was last night. I head over to the kitchen, George following behind me. He was adorable, but I decided against trying to get him.

Once we get in there, I notice Tessa and Calvyn aren’t in there. I tell George “Just open the cupboards and look for food to eat, that’s what we’ve been doing all day.” He nods and starts to search in cupboards for some food.

“So, why have you guys been here all day?” he asks while getting some stuff out to make a sandwich. I help him look for a butter knife to put the spread on as I explain to him what’s been going on. I knew Cleo was trying to keep it quiet, but I just wanted to tell someone because I’m horrible at keeping things to myself, so I told him everything down to the last detail.

Once I was done (he was also done eating by the time I was done explaining) he just gave me an odd look. “Well – she has some damn good friends if you stayed with her through all of this drama.”

“Well of course!” I started. “She’s my best friend, I’d stay with her through anything! She stayed with me when I was wreck because my mom died a year ago to cancer, and so I stick with her through anything, and this is something that I need to stay with her through.”

“Wow – I thought a girl like you would be all guys and bars.”

“No, not at all! The only time I get drunk is when I’m with her or Tessa, and the only time I’m all guy crazy is when I’m drunk. I’m not even in a relationship.”

He smiled and said “I’ll take note of that.” I gave him a weird look when suddenly something else caught my attention. The smell of burning wood. George and I both give each other a quick look and dashed to the living room, which was where the fireplace was. I saw Ringo hold up her wedding ring. What is he doing? I thought. He then threw it into the fire place.

I gasped so loud I actually started to choke on the gasp I sucked in. I started to cough and Tessa started to hit my back and George ran off somewhere. Cleo started to get up, but the only person really paying attention anymore was Calvyn because I was attempting not to die. George came back with a bottle of water, and after I stopped coughing, he offered it to me. I thanked him and took it.

I opened the water and started to drink it, but looked at Ringo and Cleo at the wrong time. She was kissing the guy who hurt her. I started to choke on water and Tessa said “Oh dear god not again.” She started hitting my back again and I calmed down a bit.

I looked around and noticed Calvyn was gone. I went to the kitchen because I was a little mad at Cleo for making a big deal out of this guy and then kissing him. When I got to the kitchen, George came in and followed me. “Why’d you leave?” he asked.

“I’m just… I’m just a little upset.”


“Because Cleo is out there snogging with the guy she was mad at!”

“You’re mad because their kissing?”

I nodded and he said “Well, I’m pretty sure Cleo doesn’t like me either right?” I nodded again. “Well then, just get her back like this.” He sighed and kissed me. He let go and said “You kiss better when you aren’t drunk.” Then he kissed me again.

Cleo’s POV:

I let go of kissing Richard. He looked so happy. Dammit I’m leading him on I thought. I really should stop getting caught in moments with this guy. That’s what started our relationship in the first place. I looked around, Tessa was the only one still in the room. Where’d the others go? I thought.

I looked at Richard. “Listen, Richard, about what just happened,” I started to explain. Wow I crush his happiness pretty fast.

“Yeah?” he asked, his blue eyes showing obvious excitement.

“I just got caught up in the moment, but I would like to be friends again.”

The glow in his eyes left. “Right…” he began. “Well, I’m going to find George and go, I think we’ve stayed too long…”

As I watched him walk away, I wanted to yell “No come back I love you!” But I didn’t. I watched as he walked away.

Ringo’s POV:

As I walked away from that disappointment, I went looking for George. If I know him, he’s probably in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and see something I never expected to see.

George and Shyla were just in there snogging the hell out of each other. I hate to ruin the moment… I cleared my throat and they broke apart, and Shyla’s face was as pink as a flamingo. As George and I left, she smiled and waved happily to George. He smiled and waved back.

As we got into the taxi we called, I asked him “Why were you…”

“Long story,” he replied. “Here’s the short version: she gets upset, I try to comfort, we kiss, she’s an amazing kisser, we kiss again and now I think I want to date her.”

I sigh and say “I wish kissing did the same for me and Cleo…” he gives me a weird look and I say “I’ll explain when we get there.” The rest of the ride is silence as I think of Cleo. I will find a way to get her back.

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