nine ~ Thalia likes to tease.

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Artemis's {P.O.V}

It has been three days since we started walking towards Georgia, and we were nearly half way there.

The hunters and Percy all moved quickly along with me. And right now, we were walking in a random forest, somewhere in Colorado.

Just like for the past three days, we were all walking. And at this moment at least, since we already had our food and sleep break.

It was eight in the morning by the looks of the sun. So it was quite early, and since it's summer, it was really bright.

As usual, Thalia and Percy were walking on either side of me, and I was listening in to whatever they were talking about.

"Do you remember that fight we had during the winter when we found Nico and Bianca?" asked Thalia. "You know, the one at camp?"

Percy smirked. "Yeah, I would never forget how you come out of it; soaking wet." He chuckled.

Thalia raised an eyebrow. "At least I didn't have a hole burnt in my shirt because of a lighting bolt that struck me." She chuckled now.

Both of them stared at each other then and they chuckled again.

Percy shook his head. "That's the thing, Thals: We always fight, but would risk our lives for each other."

Thalia smiled and nodded along with those quite words. "I couldn't agree more, Kelp Head."

I looked between them. Both of them seemed in a happy mood.

My thoughts suddenly turned into questions of how long that happiness was going to last this time.

"How did you two meet, in the first place?" I asked getting their attention. "I know that it was after Thalia got out he tree, but when exactly?"

Thalia smiled. "Actually, Percy was the one that helped me get up when I just woke up from my 'nap'."

I looked at Percy and he shrugged slightly, as if it was nothing.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Everyone else was in too much shock and Percy was the only one that knelt down and helped me stand up."

I was a bit surprised, but then I just smiled. Of course that's such thing Percy would do.

Thalia smiled at Percy. "If you wouldn't have helped me up, I would've been siting on the ground for a while. It would have been embarrassing."

Percy shrugged again. "What are friends for? Besides, I kind of knew how you would have felt. I didn't want you to feel embarrassed."

I shook my head at those two. They are technically speaking cousins, yet they have a brother-sister bond and would risk their lives for one another.

Thalia smirked mischievously as she looked at Percy. "So... do you mind telling us about your time on Calypso's Island?"

I looked at Percy with an raised eyebrow and my curiosity was also asking the same question as Thalia. 

Percy blushed a bit and then once again shrugged. "Well, after I blew up Mount St. Helens, I was kind of blown up along with the volcano."

Thalia and I both looked at him with wide eyes. That must have been agonising pain.

Percy continued, "My body was literally on fire and when I was falling down into the water below me, I lost consciousness."

Thalia shook her head. "You always have to get yourself nearly killed, don't you?"

Percy pouted. "Well, excuse me, I'll try not to get into more life or death situations," he said sarcastically.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "You can't stop doing that, Kelp Head. It's in your nature."

Another stupid prophecy. {Pertamis fanfiction}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum