four ~ what happened to Mother Earth?

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~ Now before you read this, I'll just tell you that a lot of stuff are much different than they were in the actually HOO books. Still, I hope you enjoy! ~

Percy's {P.O.V}

As soon as I entered my tent I took off my shirt and looked at the wound that my annoying enemy called the Minotaur gave me.

~ Flashback ~

As soon as Artemis shouted for us to attack, I ran in the direction of the Minotaur.

The creature turned around and as soon as he saw me, absolute fury crossed his eyes.

Maybe because I killed him like five times already, and he must absolutely hate me.

He got his battle axe and tried to swing it down on me, but I sidestepped and slashed at his right knee.

I made a cut on it, and I quickly moved away, successfully getting away from getting my head cut off by the Minotaur's battle axe.

I moved quicker and blocked another swing of his battle axe with Riptide, and then I realised he was targeting my chest now.

I then saw something out of the corner of my eye. A hellhound was behind one of the hunters and was about the lounge on her back.

I needed to help her. I did the dangerous thing and I took away Riptide from the swing I was blocking from the Minotaur.

The battle axe came down, but I didn't care as I quickly turned around and killed the hellhound that was about to attack the hunter.

The girl turned around and looked down at the pile of golden dust and then she looked at me gratefully, before she gasped as she looked down at my chest.

I didn't have time to ask her what happened, as I had to block another swing from the battle axe.

I quickly slashed at the Minotaur and used that as a distraction, while I plunged Riptide into his neck and I watched as he dissolved into golden dust.

Marina, who I remembered was the hunter I saved came up to me quickly. "Take off your shirt and show me the wound."

She was a daughter of Apollo and a good healer, but I had no idea what she was talking about until I looked down at my chest.

There was a bit gash on the right side that I could see though the ripped shirt.

So this must have been where the battle axe came down when I moved away to save Marina. It's good that it's not that bad, I thought.

"It's not that bad," I told her. I put my hand over it so that she couldn't see it, and I had to stop myself from flinching in pain when I touched the wound.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "I saw it. It is bad. Now let me have a proper look at it," she argued.

"I told you, it's fine," I told her, not wanting to make a fuss about it.

"It's not! Just take off your shirt and let me have a look at it," she commanded.

I shook my head, and looked down to see blood flowing though my fingers that I held over were the wound is.

Another stupid prophecy. {Pertamis fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora