Chapter 1: Detention

Start from the beginning

"Right. So now, we– the teachers came to decide that we're going to cancel all the classes starting today due to pandemic outbreak and wanted to make sure your safeties first. So, for us to make all the students of MU safe, I'd like to remind you all to stay indoors for the next few weeks and wait for further announcements from the president regarding this matter. As well as always listen to news broadcasting, drink plenty of water, stay hydrated and healthy. We don't know what this outbreak can bring us. " Hearing this, everyone can't stop hiding their joys.

And I'm one of them. Like, why not? No one wakes up early to take a bath and go to class. No one can be late and no one can be detained because they got late.

No assignments, projects, role-plays, or performance tasks. In short, it'll be our rest. Our naps. And whatsoever you call it.

Believe me, when I say that MU doesn't pressure everyone to get high grades, it's the students' parents.

I am 100% sure, that will be their reason if we are ever asked why we do not want to have a classes.

Although, some of us were living right exactly inside the university. Like yeah, we choose to live on the dorms here since some of us lived far away from this city.

"Quiet." Everyone immediately fell silent after hearing his deep voice.

"Well, to be honest? You shouldn't be happy about it since this is a serious matter and need deep understand to deal with. Regardless, every student must stay inside their respective dorms and aren't allowed to linger inside the campus starting this afternoon." Everyone groaned as well as me.

"Why is that? Thought I can see my crush na!"

"Darn! I still want to roam around after this."

"Bro, why?!"

"Don't every try folks because I'll be one of the school staffs to check if everyone is inside their dorms." Mr. Dunn added.

Darn that.

"Aish kainis!" My classmates reacted differently. I bit my lower lip in annoyance and can't stop talking back either.

"You can't understand us old hag since you ain't a student anymore." I butted in that made everyone shut up and turn their gazes to me. But my eyes were only glued to the teacher in front.

Searching for any hint of anger on his face but all I see is amusement. He smirked and then his face turned emotionless again.

"Maybe you're right about that miss Freyja. But don't think I didn't know what you've just done outside the school? Like beating someone?" He said amusingly.

Ahh shit.

I just bubbled my mouth and rolled my eyes.

"Two hours detention room miss Freyja." He politely said. And since I was irritated by the way he spoke, I sprang in my chair and took my bag.

Everyone was just staring at me as I walked towards the door smiling mischievously.

"My greatest dream sir." I wave him goodbye and then left the room. I even heard my classmates laugh before the door closed.

I shook my head and walked on this quiet hallway of MU towards the detention room.

Darn, how's this? My 3rd time going to DR.

Before I forgot, my name's Amara Azrail Freyja also known as Azie. I'm 17 years old and a 4th-year high school student of M.U. I'm not a gangster or what.

Just an average normal girl with a long brown silky straight hair that reaches my hip, 5′6 height, dark brown eyes, a pointy cute nose, pinkish lips, a small round face, and pale skin. I've been studying at M.U for 4 years since I and my family migrated here to LA from Australia where I grew up. I'm half Filipino and Australian. My mom's Filipina and my Dad's Australian. I'm not raised in the Philippines but visited the country every Christmas break.

"Miss Freyja, you again." I smiled sarcastically at the staff assigned this week to the detention room when I arrived in front of it.

"Ain't happy to see you too Jean," I said then went inside after he opened it.

"Enjoy your 2 hours detention." I just shook my head and then went to the end of the room where a leather brown sofa was positioned before going to bed I first approached the window and then opened it a little. We do have aircon but I don't care since this school is a hella rich. They can pay the electricity bill and stuff.

"This.. so peaceful," I whispered and closed my eyes.


Quick description of Marie University

Marie University also known as MU is a Filipino dormitory-school in Los Angeles California built by the owner itself on the coldest season of November 2003 occupied by Filipino students who migrated from Philippines and other foreign students who wanted to study and learn Filipino cultures and aspects with the help of Filipino teachers and staffs.

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