Chapter twenty-one

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Katniss POV

There is a doctor's office right as I walk in, walking through that is a tiny pop up table with several twisty chairs around it, a projector and a whiteboard.

Pushing through the door in the middle I see a hallway with several different rooms. All with a window in the middle of the door. I close the door behind me and approach the middle door.

Through the window, it shines bright white. I hear a loud humming sound coming from the room. I place my hand on the handle and go to open it. It was locked.

Tears start streaming down my face as I yank on the door,  pounding on it as hard as I can. The tears don't quit, I really need Peeta. I have to know he's at least alive. For all, I know Peeta could be dead and everyone is lying to me.

Like they always do. 

"Peeta.." I sob.

Suddenly I hear footsteps running towards me.

In a panic, I try to find a room to hide in. I don't feel like getting drugged or dragged back to my room.

"Miss. Everdeen?!" Someone asks pulling me off the door. I'm crying so hard I'm doing that awful choking sound I do when I'm really worked up.

"LET ME GO!" I yell trying to break myself free from the nurse's arms.

"Miss. Everdeen!" The other doctor yells trying to help the nurse.


"What are you talking about?!" The nurse says pulling me up to look at her.

"He's dead, isn't he?! He's dead! And it's my fault! I had him in my arms and I let go! I fucking let go! Because I'm weak! I don't deserve him, he's dead now and nobody will tell me. Nobody ever tells me anything! Have people been lying to me? Is he dead?"

"Honey, you mean Peeta?" She asks.

I nod, just wanting someone to tell me something.

"Awww, well honey Peeta isn't dead. He's very close to it, but we need some of his blood type."

"Me! Please if I have his blood type. I beg anyone to please take the blood from me."

The doctor nods going into his office and shutting the door. Probably trying to get the heck away from me.

"Has he woke up yet?"

The nurse shakes her head and sighs.  "I promise you, Miss. Everdeen we will try our very hardest to save Peeta."

A smile fills my tear-stained face.

"Thank you."

I look at the door. "Can I please see him?"

She shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, I wish you could, only very close family is allowed back there and none of Peeta's family has been here."

"Peeta doesn't have any family," I say coldly.

"What?" She asks confused.

"All of Peeta's family died in the district 12 bombing. I'm all he has. I'm his family."

"If you were married I could let you in." She sighs. "I'm sorry."

I shake my head and get up.

"That shouldn't matter," I say. "I'm carrying his child!" I scream. "A living thing belongs to him, that is inside of me, and you still won't let me in. But if I had a stupid band on my finger I could get in! This is ridiculous!" I say and walk out of there slamming the door behind me.

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