Chapter thirteen

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Katniss POV

"We have a code 3437!" Aqua yell whispers, the rattling on the door stops as they realize it's locked.

"Open that dang door! We have enough houses to check tonight!" The peacekeepers scream and I hear more footsteps.

"We lost the key to that years ago." Someone stumbles.

"Look I have to look in there so either find that key or I have to bust the door down." A peacekeeper responds annoyed.

"Oh course sir, I might know where it is." 

I hear the footsteps leave.

Peeta pulls me close, holding my head to his chest. 

"I'm busting this door down I'm done waiting for you to find the dang key!" A peacekeeper says after about ten minutes have passed.  

I look up at Peeta with fear in my eyes, I shakily grab his hand and fear for Peeta's and my child's life.  

Aqua and Kelsy get their guns ready but I doubt they will be able to stop the crowd of peacekeepers out there.

The door bursts open and the peacekeepers are in shock for a minute that they got us.


But Aqua and Kelsy don't, they shoot and end up killing two peacekeepers.

The peacekeepers fire back, Peeta holding me out of the way. Me protecting my stomach with my legs.

I look up and cry at the sight I see.

Aqua lays on the ground blood pouring onto the ground from her stomach, her shirt soaked in her blood. Kelsy leaned against the wall trying to breathe, holding her side with her blood covered hand.

"Aqua!" Peeta screams. Aqua lifts her head and looks toward Peeta.

"It was a honor Mr. Mellark." She chokes out. She turns away from us. Kelsy picks up her gun and tries to shoot but is shot again by the two remaining peacekeepers. She slides to the ground.

"I.. failed you two.. I'm sorry." She says coughing and then her body goes still.

The peacekeepers turn to us and grab me pulling me off of Peeta.

"We got Peeta and a short haired blonde." A peacekeeper says into his ear piece. Peeta looks at me and smiles.

"You could get away." He mouths.

"How are you involved with this?" Another peacekeeper asks.

"I was held against my will!" I plead in my best capitol accent. "They took over my house!"

"Alright calm down, we are going to get you safe okay."

"Okay." I cry. They handcuff Peeta.

"Thought you could get away Miss. Everdeen?" The head peacekeeper says walking into the room.

"What?" One peacekeeper asks. "Katniss isn't blonde."

"I can see that's cheap hair die, and look at her face, that's Katniss."

He walks over to me and pricks my finger and scans it.

Katniss Everdeen district 12 rebel WANTED

"You might have tricked them with your whole capitol woman act but I can see right through you, you worthless piece of trash."

"I never wanted this." I plead as he back me up into the wall. 

"Oh can it." He say moving his gun towards me.

"Make me." I respond. He moves the gun to my head. "Yeah shoot me I dare you. Snow wants me to die a very painful death in front of the entire county, so I don't think he'd appreciate it if I lay dead here, in this basement."

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