Chapter two

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Peeta POV

I follow the giant crowd of clueless capitol residents. I hear whispers among the crowd.

"The rebels are taking our freedom."

"What made Katniss Everdeen go rouge?"

I spot Katniss up ahead of me with Gale. I wanted to go with her, very much. But she insisted that I stay behind. I don't trust Gale at all, which is why I am keeping a sharp eye on Katniss to make sure she is safe. Cressida pulls me along with the rest of the group. I then see it. A peacekeeper coming up behind them. I go to run to her but I am pulled back by Cressida. Shots fire threw the crowd and we duck down.

"It's the rebels!"

"That's them, send message to Plutarch, they are getting to close to Katniss." Cressida orders and the camera man, who I never learn his name, nods.

For ten minutes we sit there trying to get a signal but fail. The gun shots are holding me to the ground when Cressida tells us it's time to move. My head pounds. I hold my head in my hands, rocking back and forth.

Find Katniss.

Kill her.

Make her suffer.

Like you did.

Not real. Not real!

She murdered your family!

No she didn't!

Your weak!

Do something!

I can't have attack not now.

I feel my eyes stinging as they change back from black to blue.

She is going without punishment!

You need to kill her.

The world will be safer without her in it.

"Ugh! Alright Peeta come on let's go!"

I can't move.

"Peeta come on!" She pauses and looks at me. "He's having a hijacking attack." She realizes. She kneels down next to me.

She killed your family!

You can't just let her walk away unharmed!

No! This isn't real!

I snap back to myself.

We run through the groups of people. My hood falling off in the process.

I feel my eyes twitching again. I feel my head pound. I shake my head, as if it will help relive myself from the voices.

"Peeta Mellark!" A woman yells and Cressida drags me harder then ever before. I stumble and fall, trying to keep up with my prosthetic leg. I see Katniss, she has her bow pointed at Gale. But as he gets dragged away she puts it down. I stand there in awe of her actions.

Why wouldn't she put Gale out of his suffering? She cares about him doesn't she?

"Peeta!"Cressida says and drags me down the street.

People are pushing towards the gates.

I have lost all site of Katniss.

"We have to find Katniss!" I scream. I run to her Cressida yelling at me to come back, because were we were was safer.

I get up closer to mansion when I see Katniss climbing a truck to get a better view.

A hovercraft flies above us and drops what seem to be parachutes.

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