Chapter nine

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Katniss POV



I open my eyes to see Johanna staring at me. Her face lit up with the moonlight shining in from the window.

"What time is it.." I ask rubbing my eyes.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Chanter saw Peeta." She says.

"What?" I ask shooting straight up, knocking the covers off of my body in the process.

"He saw him at the party."

"Is he alright?" I ask in shock.

"You'll have to ask him, he's waiting to talk to you."

I jump out of bed and run down the steps down into the living room. I see Mr. Chanter sitting in the living room, waiting for me.

I sit down next to him shaking.

"You.." I shake.

"Yes I did and so did Gale."


Oh no.

"What.. happened?"

"Gale attacked him.." He trails off.

I gasp.

"Then Peeta gave it to him." He smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"He gave it right to Gale, he had to be sent to the hospital."

"He hurt Gale?" I ask surprised. That doesn't sound like Peeta.

"Big time."

"Is Peeta alright?"

"Only had a bloody nose."


"So what did his owner look like?"

"I didn't see her."

"I miss him so much.." I say.

"I'm sorry Katniss."

"I wish I could see him."

"I wish you could too." He responds. He looks at me. "You should get some rest, it's almost three."

"Right." I say and get up. "Good night."


I walk back up to my room trying not cry. I make it successfully into my room, close the door then burst out crying.


"I don't know honestly."

I sit down on my bed and cry into my pillow.

I eventually cry myself to sleep.

"Take me to town."

"No I can't it's to risky." Mr. Chanter responds at breakfast.

"Please! I have to at least try to find him!"

"I wish I could Katniss really.. but.."

"Please I will never ask for anything ever again!"

He looks up from his plate and sighs. He looks at Johanna, who is one of the maids now, do to her lack of farm skills.

She nods as she sets down some napkins in the center of the table.

"Ah, alright."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

I look through my closet of clothes that were here when I arrived. I have a small chance of seeing Peeta but if I do I want to look nice.

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