•Chapter 35•

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•Chapter 35- End of First Term!

Your POV
"Karma, please quit sitting there and help out." I growled. "Nah~ You're nearly done anyways~" We both had to prepare the classroom for the day but Karma hasn't made an effort to help... "You know what? I'm done with your crap!" I wacked him over the head with the broom I was holding. He was now in a coughing fit while I held out the broom for him to grab.

"And why the hell did you do that?" He took the broom from my hands and chased me around with it up until I tripped... I scrambled back up so I was sitting on my knees. I was facing a wall and realized I was cornered.

Then I heard the door slid open right as I felt the broom meet my head. "Karma~kun! You know the purpose of the broom! Use it properly!" I recognized Koro Sensei's voice and felt the broom off of my head. I stood up. "Y/n started it!" Karma exclaimed, pointing at me. "You weren't helping out at all!" I protested. "Will I have to make you two stand at the back of the room for the day?" Koro Sensei threatened.

"S-So Y/n, what do you need help with?" Karma asked. "C-Could you broom while I finish up with the chalk board?" Koro Sensei stood in front of the door. "I'll be watching!" He stated cheerfully. I shot Karma a glare and he stuck his tongue out at me. So childish!

"I'm surprised you decided to attend an assembly." I said to Karma. In response he flicked my forehead, "I'm not too keen on making myself look like a coward." He stated. "After that huge fai-" He stepped on my foot and I cringed at the pain. "Go ahead, finish your sentence Y/n." He challenged. "I-I'm good." He removed his foot off of mine.

Karma patted my head then neared my ear. "If you were anyone else I would've kneed your stomach." He hissed. "Is there some other punishment then?" I questioned, pressing my two pointer fingers together. "Who influenced you to be like this?" He sighed. "Some books online~" I replied. "Give me your phone, I'd like to destroy it." Much more like him!

The room got really quiet signaling the start of the assembly.

"Even though it's summer break, don't neglect your studies. You don't want to end up like E-class..." That doesn't work now, does it? The bet between our class and 3-A was known throughout the entire school. No one was jeering after our victory. With that victory, we all had our heads held high.

After the assembly I was approached by Seo Tomoya. I never realized how ugly the five virtuosos were, all had ugly personalities but four of the five were physically unpleasant to set eyes upon...

"And what is it that you want?" I had no interest in speaking with people who belittle my classmates and I. "You've ranked fifth this one time but prepare for a pummeling defeat next time." Thanks for wasting my time! "I honestly don't give a shit. Now, if that's all you have to say... Get out of my sight." He flinched at my tone. Seeing he wasn't gonna do what I requested, I started to walk past him until...

"I see why Asano has taken interest in you." I turned around. "Tell Asano he can go fuck himself." And with that, I ran to catch up with my classmates.

Upon entering, huge books were placed on our desks... I looked at the nearest one which was Isogai's. "Summer Vacation Guidebook? It's gonna take me my whole summer break to read this! It's a vacation for a reason!" I exclaimed. "It's a freaking accordion!" Okajima stated. I went over to my desk and saw a smaller warning pamphlet on top of my guidebook. Maybe Koro Sensei isn't actually blowing up the Earth... He's taking down all the trees so there's no oxygen...

I scanned over the first page of the pamphlet. "Please remember to protect the back of your neck while in or near water L/n~san! Certain lotions can be placed there to prevent irritation." That was all there was. I guess I'll read the pamphlet and burn the guidebook...

Everyone was seated and Koro Sensei began to talk about what we had won. Three days and two nights at an Okinawa resort! Summer vacation looked very promising~ Especially with eight tentacles coming off then. Yup, Terasaka and his gang convinced Koro Sensei to include home economics as part of the subjects and since all four of them scored full points in that... Eight tentacles are getting destroyed~ We requested the place of our tentacle destroying rights during the summer camp.

From what I've heard, there's been a plan mentioned to be carried out at Okinawa. I'm not sure if the plan's been made but I know a plan is definitely in works.

Koro Sensei handed us our 'report cards' which were just pieces of paper with his face circled twice. He praised us and also thanked us for an interesting first term.

"I now mark the first term as... Officially over!" Koro Sensei exclaimed. We all grabbed our things and left the classroom, not having to return until after summer vacation!

"What are you planning to do over vacation, Y/n~chan?" Kaede asked. "Probably catch up on some animes and finish unfinished video games, nothing extraordinary~ How about you, Kaede~chan?" I answered. "I'll find out as the days come." She replied. "I'm so glad it's finally break but I'm sad that I'll be away from you, Y/n~chan..!" Rio sobbed, clutching onto my left arm. "Haha, we can meet up over break Rio~chan." I giggled.

"We'll have to have a sleepover soon! The three of us!" Kaede chirped. "I will not allow Karma~kun to have Y/n~chan all to himself over break! Who knows what he might do to my innocent Y/n~chan!" I sweat dropped. "What's going on in that crazy head of yours~" I laughed. "Rio~chan's jealous!" Kaede teased.

"Well, this is where I have to go, see you two soon!" Kaede waved. "Bye Kaede~chan!" Rio and I both waved back.

"Can I just stay with you over summer to make sure nothing happens to you?" Rio asked, placing her head on top of mine and locking hands with mine. "Rio~chan~ Like Kaede~chan said, we'll see each other soon for a sleep over!" I giggled. "You're right~ I'll just have to trust Karma~kun... You have to tell me if anything happens!" Rio exclaimed. "Yes mom~" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Kaede~chan, you, and I are roommates okay?! Make sure Karma~kun doesn't interfere with anything!"

"Hmm? What's all this talk about me?" I flinched as Karma appeared out of nowhere. "I'm telling Y/n~chan to be careful of you. You're to do nothing mischievous with her! Understand?" Rio demanded. "I'll do whatever, I just need Y/n's consent~" Karma stated, pulling me away from Rio. "Hmph! You know what I said Y/n~chan! Nothing mischievous!"

"And you know what I said, I just need your consent~" Why must I be the one that has to deal with this?! "I have to obey Rio~chan first, Karma~" I concluded. "Ehh?! You don't have to listen to your nagging mom Y/n!"

I think my head hurts again...

A/n: Like last chapter, I finished writing this chapter in one day!! I think I'm doing pretty good with my new years resolution! For the whole assassination attempt I won't be writing all that out because it's a bit complicated for where my writing skills are at.

I have so much to do Sunday... I have to finish my general music project, wash my mountain of clothes, and prepare my mental state for the third quarter of school... The first episode of the Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card anime is coming out! I doubt I'll be able to watch it tomorrow... I know I'll be watching the Keeping Up with the Kardashians episode tomorrow! Well, it's already Sunday but... I should sleep early shouldn't I?

I don't want to go back to school... I want a time machine so I can redo my winter break and do more meaningful things... Example, do my laundry before it becomes a mountain... Me + laundry= black hole

Kawaī jagaimo no neko o yonde kurete arigatō! Watashi wa anata hitorihitori ga daisukidesu! Ato de subete o kyatchi! Baii~ 💖Shadowhuskies📚

Translates to: Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~

Can I Fall Back on You? (Karma Akabane x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ