•Chapter 19•

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•Chapter 19- Don't Touch!

Your POV
"We've finished reading and taking notes so I guess we should start on the report now..." I looked at my notebook and said. "Can we take a break Y/n~chan?" Rio asked. "Rio~chan it's only been half an hour... But I'm getting bored of all this history stuff so sure!" I replied.

"Let's see what Nagisa~kun and Karma~kun are doing." Rio whispered. "Okay~" We exited the room hearing...

"NAGISA~KUN YOU IDIOT! THAT'S MY SPICE COLLECTION! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH!" I heard Cherry yell. I looked at Rio sweat dropping, "I-I'm sorry Karma~kun I didn't m-mean t-" Nagisa started but Cherry cut him off, "No. You touched my collection and you know not to touch. YOU'RE DEAD NAGISA~KUN!"

"Should we stop him?" Rio questioned. "Nah, Nagisa~kun will be fiiinee." I think. "Let's just continue listening." I suggested and Rio nodded.

"K-Karma~kun! Stop pulling my hair it hurts! Ow, ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry for touching your collection! I'll do anything just please don- OW!" Nagisa pleaded. "Sorry won't cut it!" Cherry growled. "The door is wide upon Karma~kun the girls can hear!" Nagisa whined. "They'll get to be the first ones to know that you're dead!"

I turned on my phone and went to class E's group chat.

Me: Karma is murdering Nagisa~kun right now 😂

Kaede~chan: Help him!

Maehara~kun: Lol. Wait.. L/n~san, you're joking right?!

Rio~chan: Karma~kun got mad at Nagisa~kun for touching his spices... I think Karma~kun is actually planning on killing Nagisa~kun...

Kaede~chan: HELP HIM!!!!!

Me: This is too funny though XD

Isogai~kun: That's so cruel L/n~chan...

Me: Nagisa~kun will be fiiinee!

Rio~chan: You say that as he is screaming for his life right now...

Me: You can answer the door when the police come.


Maehara~kun: So is Nagisa~kun... Dead now?

Rio~chan: Karma~kun is only pulling his hair and possible choking him right now. Oh wait..

Sugino~kun: CHOKING? That dude is seriously insane...

Isogai~kun: Keep in mind that their are TWO insane people in that house at the moment.

Okajima~kun: Two? How do you know that?

Isogai~kun: L/n~chan knows what's happening right now so she's obviously at the same place where Karma~kun and Nagisa~kun are.

Fuwa~chan: Both Karma~kun and Nagisa~kun prefer to be called by their first names... Maybe that means they are destined to be together!

Me: NOOOO! Fuwa~chan, where did you even come from?

Fuwa~chan: I was just reading what everyone was saying when I realized that :)

Rio~chan: Why are you so upset about that Y/n~chaaan? Is it that you're homophobic or is it that you  l i k e  Karma~kun?

Me: ...No?

Rio~chan: I saw you go back and delete something Y/n~chan! You were about to say, 'Not answering'

Me: You saw nothing!

Cherry: I like Y/n~neko and Y/n~neko likes me,  r o m a n t i c a l l y

Okuda~san: EH?!! B-But... Why?

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