•Chapter 14•

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•Chapter 14- Train Ride

Your POV
It was a week later, the week we were going to Kyoto! We were currently at the train station as we watched the A through D class students go into the first class area of the train. E class got the second class area shoving it in our faces that we were the outcasts... The good part was that we didn't have to see all the assholes! E class also gets a cheaper and less luxurious hotel than A-D class but... We get our own hotel, and again, away from all of the assholes!

Jelabitch~sensei showed up in a wayyy too much outfit and Karasuma~sensei scolded her to go change. After a short while she came back in... HER SLEEPWEAR OH MY FREAKING GOD! I took a picture and snickered.

"Jelabitch~sensei looks so pathetic right now!" I laughed. "Serves her right!" Kaede exclaimed puffing out her cheeks. "Kaede~chan, I'm sorry but you're a forever flat. And besides, Jelabitch~sensei is a grown up so it's obvious she would have br-" Kaede leaned towards me and covered my mouth. "Don't even say it Y/n~chan!" She shouted. "Hai, hai. Whatever you would like, Kaede~chan." I teased. "It's gonna be a long ride so how about we tell stories?" Kanzaki suggested. "Good idea! But what about..."

"I know! How about you tell a story about yourself Y/n~chan! I've only heard rumors about what you were like before and you sounded pretty cool!" Kaede said. "I'm interested to, to be honest." Kanzaki agreed. "W-Well if it's okay with you guys... How about you, Okuda~san?" I asked. "I-I don't really mind I guess." She replied having her focus at the window. "Oh, but first... Were you very close with Karma~kun even before junior high? I know that you two were friends before but..."

"To answer your question, yes, I was quite close with him even before. But in primary school I had another friend making it the three of us. Her name is Tamako Meiko, but... When we graduated from primary school she went to a different junior high school for some reason so I've never seen her since then. I actually met with her recently but unfortunately she changed alot..." And she wanted to kill me! I'm so glad I met my 'good' friend again...

"Oh... I feel bad L/n~chan, losing a close friend is really tough..." Kanzaki sympathized. "Thanks Kanzaki~chan... Meiko~chan's personality took a turn for the worse so I don't think we'll be able to become friends again... But I'm glad that I have great friends like you!" I smiled. "I'm glad we can be friends." Kanzaki smiled back at me.

"You were a delinquent last year right? Why did you become one and what did you do as a delinquent?" I feel like I'm be interviewed by Kaede right now... "I-I don't really think I was that terrible like everyone says but everyone says I was... I kinda rebelled a bit because I was really bored of classes so I just skipped most classes, I just made sure to have a good enough attendance to get me on to the next year. Th-This is really embarrassing and shameful to say but I got into some fights... All of those people from A class. Asano~san was the puppeteer and most of class A were his puppets. He sent them after me to get me in trouble. That's how I ended up in E class." I explained.

"I had the option to not fight back but I ended up damaging my already not amazing school record by getting into fights. What's worse was that I was fighting people from A class... And I was recently reminded that I was suspended before... I can remember why I was suspended. It was because that centipede reported me to his centipede father... He kept sending away his puppets to pick fights with me just to send me to E class. I missed the last three to four weeks of school I think..." Kaede widened her eyes, "You missed possibly a month and then two weeks at the beginning of this school year!?" Kaede exclaimed. I shrugged.

"It sounds like last year was very hard on you..." Kanzaki said turning to the right to face me and hug me.

"I'm actually slightly thirsty, do you girls want something to drink?" Kanzaki asked. "I'll come too!" Kaede said getting up. "A f/d (favorite drink) would be good right now... I'll go with you two as well though." I replied also standing up. "How about you Okuda~san?" I asked. "Y-Yeah! I'll tag along as well."

We all went to get a drink and on the way we accidentally bumped into some upperclassmen. "W-We're sorry for bumping into you!" We all apologized and continued on our way to getting something to drink.

Once we had chosen a favored drink we went back to our seats. "Why did Asano~san do those things?" Kaede asked picking back up on our conversation. "I-It's embarrassing..." I replied. "Aww, come on Y/n~chan!" Kaede pleaded. "Asano~san told me had feelings for me and I rejected him and he wasn't too pleased with that. That's what happened." I said looking down at the beverage in my hand.

"I'll be right back." I said placing the drink down and standing up. "Where are you going?" Kanzaki asked. "I'm gonna get something out of my bag, I placed it with Cherry though." I answered.

Walking over to where Karma was sitting I picked up my bag and opened it. "Y/n~neko, sit with meeee pleaseee." I felt a tug on my sleeve and bended backwards seeing Karma. "I'm sitting with Kaede~chan and the others right now!" I replied straightening back up only to be pulled onto the seat with my head in Karma's lap and my feet in the aisle. "How about this... I'll sit with you when we reach the next stop." The train suddenly stopped. "It's the next stop Y/n~neko." He smirked. "Let me get my drink from where I was sitting then." I sighed beginning to get up. "Can I believe you?" He questioned peering his eyes at me. "You're so freaking possessive! You need to chilllll!"

I went back to where the three girls were sitting. "Huh? You don't have anything." Kaede questioned turning her head to the side. "Cherry wants me to sit by him... Sorry Kaede~chan, when we arrive at Kyoto we can hopefully talk more!" I said picking up my drink and headed back to Karma.

"Y/n~neko, can I have a sip please~" Karma requested. "No! I already took a sip from it." I replied but Karma had taken the drink from me and taken a sip. "That was an indirect kiss!" I hissed grabbing my f/d. "I'm sorry, did you want a direct kiss?" He smirked. "No! Not today!" I shouted sitting next to him. "So tomorrow then." He teased. "Yeah, whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "Hope you'll be up at midnight then~"

"Wait a second... You can't just get away with drinking from my drink! You could've asked me to get you something!" I scolded. "I just needed a small sip~ No need to get another drink." I sighed at his reasoning. "I'm tired so I'm gonna take a nap, if I'm not awake could you wake me up when we get to Kyoto? Thanks~" I got up, but I was brought back down into my seat and my head was once again in Karma's lap. "What if you have to get up? I can just sleep on the seat that's literally right in front of us." I said pointing to the seat I was referring to. "It's fine." He replied. "Much more of a comfortable sleep for me~" I claimed closing my eyes.

Cherry's soooo cheesy! I thought to myself right before I began falling asleep.

A/n: There's never such thing as too much cheese! CHEESE IS GOOD! And if you can't have dairy products.... CERTAIN VEGAN CHEESE IS ALSO VERY GOOD! I want mac 'n cheese now 😭

Kawaī jagaimo no neko o yonde kurete arigatō! Watashi wa anata hitorihitori ga daisukidesu! Ato de subete o kyatchi! Baii~ 💖Shadowhuskies📚

Translates to: Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~

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