Chapter 17 (Idiot)

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(Y/n's pov)

"Maybe we should've called first," I say slightly nervous as we walk to Brian's room. I had only meant him once before and we really didn't get to  know each other.

"It's fine, babe," Maurice reassures me before walking up some steps. I walked beside him, sighing deeply.

When we get to Brian's room. Maurice helps me up before slipping into the Underworld himself. I climb from under the bed, Maurice following.

I smirked slightly at the sleeping Brian and got a good look at his room. It was kinda messy, but I enjoyed it. My attention fell on a wall that has baseball cards sloppily taped all over it.  I examine them before looking over to Maurice. He was staring at Brian with a blank look which made me chuckle.

"Are you going to wake him up or just stare at him like the creep you are?" I ask which makes him jump a bit.

"I wasn't staring," he retorts and crosses his hands over his chest. I laugh at him. "Don't even try to lie,  Maurice," I giggle and he only rolls his eyes.

"Let's scare him," Maurice with a shit-eating grin which I return with mine. We slowly get on the bed and hover over the sleeping teenager.

"1...2...3," Maurice whispers before we both pounce on Brian while yelling. Brian's eyes snap open and he sits up immediately, yelling also. He looks at Maurice and I and realizes who is is before he stops yelling.

Brian's bare chest rose quickly with his short breathes and he rolled his eyes before laying back down, clearly annoyed.

Maurice and I look at each with wide grins on our faces before bursting into laughter.

"Hah ha," Brian says sarcastically and lays a hand on his chest. "You should have-" Maurice can't even finish his sentence before bursting into a fit of laughter, grabbing his stomach. I giggle uncontrollably and I earn a smirk from Brian. I calm myself with deep breaths before wiping the tears from my eyes.

Brian slowly arose into a sitting position, giving Maurice a sarcastic smile. "You're really funny, dude," he says in a groggy voice. Maurice grins back at him and nods. "I know."

Brian turns to me and then back to Maurice. "Well it's nice to see you guys otherwise," he sighs softly and I smirk at him.

"I've only got to see you when we had to save his ass," I say and point at Maurice. Maurice only sticks out his tongue and crinkles his nose at me.

Brian chuckles and nods, looking at me. "At least we work good together," he shrugs and I nod, agreeing.

Brian reaches over and picks a white shirt before slipping it over his head and onto his body. Maurice rolled over onto his stomach and picked up something from the ground. I didn't get to see what it was, but Brian's cheeks burned red and he tried to snatch it from Maurice.

Maurice rolled off the bed and stood up quickly. "Maurice!" Brian shouted and got out of bed, trying to snatch whatever that was in Maurice's hand.

Maurice laughed as he held it in the air, over his head. I examined the object, recognizing it. A condom wrapper.

"Getting it on with Kiersten I see!" Maurice said while grinning at Brian.

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